
Started by HOPE, June 10, 2014, 07:12:45 AM

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Salam to all,

"What makes the Quran's core message spiritual?

Spiritual gurus such as Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra think that spirituality is different from, and outside of, the structures of institutionalized religions or belief systems with fixed ideas. They recognize at the same time that there are pockets of spirituality in religions also. Most Muslims prefer to steer clear of spiritual-like practices such as those of Sufis. Sufi Muslims have often been the target of persecution and torture from ultra-conservative Salafi and Wahhabi Muslims.

However, when we come across verses in the Quran such as those that say, for example, that the Quran's inherent purpose is to purify or civilize humankind and make it wise (62:2), or that it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that are blind (22:46), or that turning to the East or the West is not righteousness (2:177), or that it is not the flesh or blood of sacrificed animals that reaches God (22:37), or that they think that they are deceiving God and believers; nay, they are deceiving none but themselves, but they do not realize (2:9), we cannot but conclude that the Quran's central message for us is spiritual. We need to care about the inner meanings, the kernel and essence of things, not the outward and superficial structures and forms. We need to ask about the deeper, more fundamental, questions: Why are we here, what is the meaning and significance of our life's existence, how can we make our life worth living, how can we make it more enriched and blissful? And so on. We need to concentrate on things that make for our real progress on earth in terms of piety, knowledge, creativity, benevolence, and real contentment and happiness." An excerpt from the book "Rediscovering Genuine Islam... ," pp. 25-26.
"Hope is like a bird that senses the dawn and carefully starts to sing while it is still dark"