Dear Good Logic,
As-salam alaykum
Please see my responses to your comments in
blue italics.Heavenly feud [38:69]'
After the feud The angels expected God to banish the creatures who did not uphold His absolute authority (2:30).Whilst I do not disagree with the linkage of verse 38:69 with 2:30 as I have acknowledged elsewhere with regards the
'mala-i-l-ala' [1], there is no mention in verse 2:30 that the angels expected God to banish creatures that did not uphold His absolute authority. They made known their concerns and posed questions. However, at no stage was an expectation to banish any creature mentioned.
It remains noteworthy that man had not even been created at this stage.But God is Most Merciful; He decided to give us a chance to denounce our mistake, and informed the angels that He knew what they did not know (2:30).Where was our mistake made? Man was not even created as yet in verse 2:30. Therefore, man could not have made any mistake. With respect, this is an unwarranted interpolation.
God's plan called for creating death (67:1-2), then bringing the humans and jinns into this world. Thus, they start over without any biases, and exercise full freedom.Verse 67:1-2 make it clear God's reason for creating man which was to try humans to ascertain those that were best in deeds / conduct. There is no mention of Jinns in these verse and if verse 15:26-27 is to be relied upon, jinns already existed as they were created before mankind.
To give us a headstart, the Most Merciful gathered all the human beings before Him, prior to sending us to this world (7:172)This with respect, is again an unwarranted interpolation. There is no mention of a congregational assembly of
'humans' before which they were sent into this world.
He then created us and the Jinn (15:26) and (15:27).This is incorrect and once again, an unwarranted interpolation. These verses make clear the
difference in chronology with respect to the creation of these two species. Jinns were created
before man and this is explicit in the Arabic text. Therefore your intimation of the jinn being created with man or after man has absolutely no warrant from a Quran's perspective.
Jinns are descendants of Satan (7:27, 18:50). This statement is unwarranted. At no point do these verses say that all jinns are descendants of Satan. The Quran clearly mentions that there exists
good amongst the jinn and they abide in divergent sects / ways (72:11). They have the ability to discern truth (72:2) from falsehood (72:4) and understand that they will be judged (72:14-15).
[2] It would be an incomprehensible position to insinuate / assert that righteous jinn have descended from Satan.
An independent jinn soul is assigned to the new human being to represent Satan's point of view.With respect, there is again no proof of this.
The assigned jinn remains with the human being from birth to death, and serves as the main witness on the Day of Judgment (50:23).There is no mention of an
‘assigned jinn’ in these verses. This is again an interpolation. The mention is of a
‘qarin’ (companion / comrade / associate) whose form has not been elaborated and such an assigned evil companion has been mentioned in other verses as well, such as verse 41:25. In the contexts cited, these
‘qarin’ are of evil nature (43:36) and have led not only humans astray, but also the jinn (41:25). It is noteworthy
‘shayatin’ is often used by the Quran as a generic term to reference all manner of evil ones including those from humankind (2:14). I have discussed this more in the article
[3] below.
Dear Good Logic, I did respectfully ask you for
explicit evidence and
not interpolations as this is a very serious theological position that you have asserted. This would arguably require the explicit backing of the Quran.
Therefore given your response, I understand that there is no
explicit proof for the position you have posited.
Thank you for sharing your views.
Kind regards,