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Offline 8pider

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It is very common among Muslims to cite hadiths stating the best time for duas, in which there is a higher chance of them being accepted. These conversations come up especially during ramadhan like we are in right now. 

For example this:

and this:

I am aware of verses in Quran that can refute this such as ....."God being nearer to us than our jugular veins and another saying He answers the prayers of every supplicant when they call"...however it would be nice if brother Joseph would write an article on this. This is only a article suggestion as I know Brother Joseph has a lot on his plate. Thanks

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Re: Best time for dua: Times Dua is more likely to be answered
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 09:49:15 AM »
A case in point is verse 17:78 "Establish worship at the going down of the sun until the dark of night, and (the recital of) the Qur'an at dawn. Lo! (the recital of) the Qur'an at dawn is ever witnessed."

Why is their emphasis on the timing of prayer in the morning here? The traditionalists insist that morning prayers are the best time for duas to be accepted from hadith and Quran verse such as above. I believe that the timings of prayer is for our own benefit and is definitely not the "working hours" of Allah or the angels as hadith claim. Am I missing something here?

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Re: Best time for dua: Times Dua is more likely to be answered
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2014, 06:50:07 PM »
Another case is the best place for prayer. According to secondary sources is this....

Masjid al-Haraam (Makkah) =========100,000
Masjid al-Nabaawi (Madinah)==========1,000
Masjid Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem)=============500,
And for congregational (Jamma'a) Prayer performed in local Masjid is the reward of==========================27 or 25"

Am trying to look for the best way to address these claims. Any input would be appreciated. thanks

Offline Joseph Islam

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Re: Best time for dua: Times Dua is more likely to be answered
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2014, 10:51:21 PM »
Dear 8pider,

As-salam alaykum

Arguably, one measure of a believer's spiritual state is the extent to which he/she is prepared to strive in God's way (in the widest sense possible) with sincerity and earnest.

Of course, someone who strives to make it their duty to get up and worship their Lord in the night or in the morn, with tears and a contrite heart seeking forgiveness, is arguably going to be at a different level of spiritual well-being than compared to someone who cannot be bothered to commit to worship, or strive in God's way.

However, God does make it clear that worship should not become cumbersome and it should remain regulated.

"Indeed your Lord knows that you pass in prayer nearly two-thirds of the night, and (sometimes) half of it, and (sometimes) a third of it, and (also) a group of those with you; and God measures the night and the day. He knows that you are not able to count it, so He has turned to you (mercifully), therefore read / recite what is easy of the Quran. He knows that there will be among you sick, and others who travel in the land seeking of the bounty of God, and others who fight in God’s way, therefore read / recite as much of it as is easy (to you), and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and offer to God a goodly loan, and whatever of good you send on beforehand for yourselves, you will find it with God. It (will be) better and greater (in) reward. And ask forgiveness of God. Indeed God is Forgiving, Merciful."

“So keep your duty to God as best you can / what you are able (Arabic: ma is’tata’tum), and listen, and obey, and spend; that is better for your souls. And whoso is saved from his own greed, such are the successful”
The Arabic word 'istata'a' means to be able, can or to be capable of. Therefore, given the above verse, one is only expected to do the best they can whilst striving in the way of God. [1]

However, there are verses that seem to highlight / underscore the importance of the vigil in the night. Verses such as 17:78 with the mention of Quran-al-Fajr do serve to highlight the importance of reading and reciting (with understanding) the Quran in the morning and arguably as part of salaat. It is also noteworthy that one of the reasons implied by the Quran of the night vigil is that this is a time when faculties are sharp to grasp the message with more certainty.

"Indeed! the rising by night is the firmest way and most potent (impression is more keen) and more suitable for word (most conducive to correct speech, clear, certain speech)."

Other verses also provide support for the importance of the night vigil such as verses 73:2-6 and 39:9.

"Is he who is devoutly obedient during hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, fearing / beware of the hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord (like one who does not)!? Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only those of understanding will heed"

However, there is no unequivocal evidence from the Quran that prayers have more chances of being heard during certain parts of the day. God is Ever-listening and All-aware. He hears the prayers of supplicants whenever they call out to him.

"And when My servants ask you about Me, then indeed I am near. I respond the invocation of the supplicant whenever he calls me. So let them respond to Me and let them believe in Me, so that they may be led aright"

Although the verse above does imply that God does not have any specific period of the day or month of the year when He is more likely to listen to a prayer, it does remain of some note that this verse appears immediately after the verse regarding Ramadan, which arguably, further emphasises the importance of the month of Ramadan for worship and remembrance.

Other narratives such as God descending in a certain part of the night have absolutely no support from the Quran.

As far as reading in congregation is concerned, this is arguably advisable from a Quran's perspective. Please see article [2] below. Ancient places of worship such as mosques have arguably served many different purposes and primarily as a place to congregate for worship. [3]

Therefore, albeit there is no support for the popular understanding of units of rewards, there is support however that the Quran does place emphasis on congregational prayer. It is possible that such ‘units of rewards’ were used to emphasise this importance, which later become cemented / understood as fact by later generations. There is also support for the importance of congregational remembrance of God, in the verse dealing with the Friday prayer / Day of congregation (62:9).

I hope this helps, God willing


[3] Verse 2:187 and the Role of Classical Mosques
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George Orwell