How can one be happy in paradise?

Started by Lobotomize94, October 17, 2014, 03:12:41 AM

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The Quran states that people in paradise will be seated in thrones of dignity and they will be arranged in ranks.

So there is a ranking system. Someone else has more dignity than you because they better obeyed Allah and they are higher than you in paradise. In other words Allah values them more and they have more dignity because they better obeyed Allah.

But let's say that you made some serious crimes against Allah, you were punished for them and you are in a low rank in paradise. How can you be happy? You upset Allah, you didn't meet your full potential. People did better than you, they are better than you and you are inferior to them (because there are ranks and you are lower).

How can you be happy in paradise, knowing that Allah negatively judged you and that people remember you in the previous life and your mistakes and your crimes against Allah and how pathetic you were?

How can one be happy? How can there be peace if you are inferior to others and Allah knows that you made mistakes?


lets say you committed a really evil act-murder. you seeked it really going to make you feel happy that people will remember that

Truth Seeker


The ranks in paradise make perfect sense as everyone has a different level of taqwa and some have struggled in their lives much more than others. They should rightfully get more as that is just.

Again coming back to the theme of paradise being a place of peace, pleasure and with no rancour, it follows that everyone will be happy and blissful, not jealous of others.

They will be so grateful to get their foot into the lowest rank when you compare it to the wretched hellfire.

If you think of people in this life, some are given more wealth than others, in fact there are so many degrees of wealth. Now are you saying that everyone is yearning to have more ? You wil find that so many people are happy and fulfilled with what they have been given by God and thank Him for it.

The same principle can be said of heaven with its ranks. You said that "how can you be happy in paradise knowing that Allah negatively judged you..."

He granted you Paradise ! Rather than looking on you negatively , He forgave you which should make you eternally grateful . So grateful that despite your mistakes he granted you paradise, utter bliss.

Joseph Islam

Dear Labotomize94

As-salam alaykum

The following two verses should allay your fears as it concerns the state of all those that enter paradise. I trust that this will finally put your mind at ease as it is God's own testimony in the Quran which remains explicit and unequivocal.

"Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and bliss / pleasure (na'im)"

*na'im - joyful, pleasure, a blissful state, delight

"Enjoying the (Bliss) that their Lord has given them, and because their Lord has delivered them from the Penalty of the Hell-Fire."

I hope that helps, God willing
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell