Greetings Duster.
No,I am not saying Qoran has the details or laws of the Torah . Neither am I saying that today s Torah is different from the past Torah. I am saying Qoran by itself is sufficient:
[Qoran 14:1] A.L.R. A scripture that we revealed to you, in order to lead the people out of darkness into the light - in accordance with the will of their Lord - to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.
[Qoran 5:48] Then we revealed to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming previous scriptures, and superseding them. ....
Of course Qoran tells us that God's scriptures, preached by all of His messengers, are all valid source of guidance. Messengers of God are sent as mercy for the sole duty of directing us to the source of guidance, GOD s scripture. However Qoran being the latest one is enough for salvation:
[Qoran 46:12] Before this, the book of Moses provided guidance and mercy. This too is a scripture that confirms, in Arabic, to warn those who transgressed, and to give good news to the righteous.
[Qoran 5:46] Subsequent to them, we sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the previous scripture, the Torah. We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance and light, and confirming the previous scriptures, the Torah, and augmenting its guidance and light, and to enlighten the righteous.
[Qoran 3:3] He sent down to you this scripture, truthfully, confirming all previous scriptures, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel
[Qoran 3:4] before that, to guide the people, and He sent down the statute book. Those who disbelieve in God's revelations incur severe retribution. God is Almighty, Avenger.
Yes indeed everything we need is in Qoran:
[Qoran 17:9] This Qoran guides to the best path, and brings good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have deserved a great recompense.
[Qoran 27:76] This Qoran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing.
[Qoran 27:77] And most assuredly, it is a guide and mercy for the believers.
By all means read,study the bible as well. There is some excellent advice/guidance/history...But Qoran warns those rejecting its message ,once they are aware/familiar...
GOD bless you.