Original Post: http://quransmessage.com/forum/index.php?topic=1453Salamun alaikum Br. Joseph
I was contemplating the verses and information provided by you in your article
End of Prophethood. I found a
wikipedia page about the Prophets and Messengers. This website mentions Noah, Lot (pbut) etc. as Prophets, but does the Qur'an confirm that Noah and Lot were Prophets?
Many are mentioned in this list, but some can't be confirmed as Prophets. In your article you wrote that Prophets are given a book (kitab), but can God also send more Prophets in order to help the first one?
19:41 And recall in the Book, Abraham; he was a man of truth,
a prophet.
19:42 When he said to his father: "O father, why do you serve what does not hear or see, nor help you in anything?"
19:43 "My father, knowledge has come to me which did not come to you. So follow me that I will guide you to a level path."
19:44 "My father, do not serve the devil. For the devil was ever disobedient to the Almighty."
19:45 "My father, I fear that a retribution will inflict you from the Almighty and that you will become an ally to the devil."
19:46 He said: "Have you abandoned my gods O Abraham? If you do not stop this, I will stone you; and let me be."
19:47 He said: "Peace be upon you, I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. He has been most kind to me."
19:48 "And I will abandon you and what you call on besides God. And I will implore my Lord, hoping that I will not be mischievous in imploring my Lord."
19:49 So when he abandoned them and what they served besides God,
We granted him Isaac and Jacob, and each of them We made a prophet.Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Prophets, does it mean that each one received a scripture or was it just one? - The
suhuf of Abraham (pbuh) - 87:19
In your article, you said that Prophets are given a scripture, right? So why did not every Prophet receive a scripture? - Maybe it is not necessary? - What do you think?
How many Prophets exist in Islam and which of these were given a book?
Ijaz, A.