Is there Quranic support for bad dreams foretelling terrible future events?

Started by Seraphina, January 07, 2015, 06:28:54 PM

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Salam to all,
There's an issue upon which I'd like to know more. I almost never had bad dreams, but ever since I started to study the Quran and perform the 5 daily prayers, I've been having bad dreams and nightmares. Those of you who are familiar with Islamic Secondary Sources may have heard of dream interpretations according to Prophet's traditions. According to these interpretations, my dreams foretell terrible events taking place - possibly death of beloved ones.
I always pray to God to give me strength and not to let me sink in despair and fear that usually bad dreams bring with them. But sometimes, it's stronger than me, and I'm finding myself afraid to go to sleep because of what I might see there, and the lack of sleep causes problems in daily life and overall health. And the worst part is that every-time I wake up screaming from a nightmare, my family members are like "that's what happens when you go to deep in religion. You never slept well eversince you started praying and studying. Hey, many people have even gone insane after reading religious scriptures". (''going too deep in religion" means praying salat and striving to apply Quran in your life. Some people think having a good heart it's enough to earn God's pleasure.).
My question is: According to the Quran, where do the bad dreams/nightmares come from? Just because the bad dream of Pharaoh's servant (surah Yusuf) became true, does it mean that bad dreams always come true? Is there a Quranic dua or action to protect ourselves from having them, or at least prevent them from becoming reality or disturbing our inner peace?
Brother Joseph and others, what is your opinion on these issues?
God bless,
Your sister Seraphina.
"Say:"O my slaves who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."


Dear sister Seraphina,

You might find this answer by Br.Joseph useful.  (Visions of the Future)

Hope this helps,


Salam brother Ahmad, thank you for your input,
The link was helpful, but it still didn't answer the questions i had:
Quote from: Seraphina on January 07, 2015, 06:28:54 PM
According to the Quran, where do the bad dreams/nightmares come from? Just because the bad dream of Pharaoh's servant (surah Yusuf) became true, does it mean that bad dreams always come true? Is there a Quranic dua or action to protect ourselves from having them, or at least prevent them from becoming reality or disturbing our inner peace?
I pray God to send brother Joseph here, see this post and share any tips and advices, since, believe me or not, many people struggle with similar issue like this.
Salam, God bless :)
"Say:"O my slaves who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."


Dear sister seraphina,
Like you,I also recently started to re examine my faith and improve myself Alhamdulillah.I have also been having nightmares and anxiety attacks.I just take it as one more thing the devil is trying to use against me and with Gods help it will stop eventually.
May Allah help us overcome all the things we struggle with in this life.


Dear sister Zara, thank you for your input.
I liked it and, even though I don't know if it finds 100% support from the Quran, yes, it makes sense. I was calmed before I embraced Quran and Islam, because devil was the winner. But the moment I started to get closer to God, he had to do something-after all, he's our sworn enemy, and anxiety attacks are one of his most frequent weapon. I just hope God protects us and doesn't let our nightmares come true, for I have no fear from devil's traps - the only one I fear is God. May Allah help you and protect you too, dear sister, and broyher Joseph, and other members of this forum. Salam :)
"Say:"O my slaves who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."