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Offline Lobotomize94

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What is the meaning (moral) of Quran 17:53
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:46:21 PM »
(Quran 17:53) And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces [dissension] among them. Indeed Satan is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy.

I'm struggling over the proper interpretation of this verse.

Is this verse saying:

  • That we should say things and agree with everyone else so that we have everyone's approval and become united and no dissension occurs OR
  • That we should be kind and fair with words so that no discord and conflict occurs between people?

In other words, should we seek everyone's approval of us and say only things that agree with them (even if we don't) and doesn't cause discord or should we just speak kindly and fairly?

Both of these interpretations seem plausible, I'm wondering what the proper interpretation of this verse is and how you arrived at it!

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Re: What is the meaning (moral) of Quran 17:53
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2015, 12:34:50 PM »


When we read AlQuran, we must always think of Rasulullah SAW because only His Messenger Nabi Muhammad SAW that purely understand AlQuran (His Commands). So, we as His slave and the follower/believer of ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW prays to Allah SWT to guide us all (siratul mustaqim) in understanding of His Commands (ayat).

Rasulullah SAW have a very very good character (akhlak) when come to communication with people. So, in your case with ayat 17:53 -

The believers have been enjoined to say only the best things even in their discussion with the disbelievers and other opponents of their Faith. They should neither use harsh words nor make exaggerated statements. They should be cool in their conversation and say only what is true and dignified in spite of the provoking behavior of the opponents. As a believer have been forewarned to guard against the provocations of Satan, as if to say, "While answering your opponents, if you feel that you are being aroused to anger, you should at once understand that it is Satan who is exciting you in order to do harm to your dispute, in which he wants to engage human beings for sowing discord between them."

Please read surah Al Anfal 8:46-48 (Allah SWT reminded us is about satan duties)

Wallahu'alam. I am maybe wrong and do forgive me in learning to understand Allah and Rasul.

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Re: What is the meaning (moral) of Quran 17:53
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2015, 03:20:05 PM »
Peace Lobotomize.

My understanding of "17:53" is GOD advising us to -TREAT EACH OTHER IN AN AMICABLE WAY- and with respect.

If we disagree, we disagree amicably. If we agree we agree amicably.

We must work on our Character to treat everyone the same, be good listeners, have patience, saying "good words" even if they are words of criticism,... Because the nature of man is to look/judge  "appearances", be abrupt, argue, be impatient...

And the best is to forgive others .i.e  Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself at least.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD