:Bro JAI, I happen to go through
Your article on Edip Yuksil on
Face Book where you have taken
the difference of opinion lightly.
It is not a simple matter like
"agree to disagree" but serious
in the matter of Quran. First of all
there are two important points
1-First Rashad Khalifa does not
believe in Ahdith but at the same
time to fit in Code 19 he relied in
Hadith that made him remove the two Ayaat from his copy of Quran. 2-Secondly it is a basic
concept that a muslim has to believe in entire Quran and in
believing a part of Quran makes
him "Unbeliever". Edip is having
same belief as RK. but tells that
RK he had some differences.
Edip does not believe in Five
prayers but in three. Edip does
not believe Shabbir Ahmed's
ascertion that the Salath was
invented by Haroon Rashid's
mother Kaizaran. Rashad Khalifa
died but Edip has taken up cue
and trying hard to publicize RK.s
Code 19 in USA.