God as 'He'?

Started by Sleepysoul, August 15, 2015, 02:07:08 AM

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Salamun Alaykum.

Has anyone ever wondered why God is referred to as 'He'? Do you think saying 'She' would be sinful?

Also, are women addressed directly at all in the Qur'an? I don't mean Mary (pbuh), Prophet Muhammad's wives or "the believers" in general. I mean just women. If not, why could this be?

good logic


"O you who believe" in Arabic "Ya ayyuha lladhina Aamanu" addresses men and women.
GOD bless.
Total loyalty to GOD

Sardar Miyan

Allah is above any gender I suppose. We cal him He but actually there is gender associated with him.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Sardar Miyan

Actually there is no gender associated with Allah
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Probably the question may be rephrased as "Has the Qur'an ever called women by "Ya ayyuhannisaau" (O' women!).  The counter question would have ""Ya ayyuharrijaalu" (O' women!)?" Or any other phrase that makes distinction between sexes "Ya ayyuha.....mo'minaatu....kaafiraatu etc"
Why only "ayyhannaasu" or "ya ayyuhalladheena amanoo" etc? All these are genderless phrases. 
I have not seen any instance of this in the Qur'an. Very interesting question.


Yes yes, that's what I mean! ^
There must have been a reason. I think I will want to ask this one to God one day. Hehe.

Sardar Miyan

Allah does not distinguish gender while Addresding as such He addresses as Nas or Ameno or Alladina.
Men & Women are equal before Allah.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light

Joseph Islam

Dear respected brothers and sisters,

As-salamu alaykum

This is not specific to the Quran and thus in my humble view, there need not be an exhaustive discussion around the Arabic language with regards this as the Bible also makes use of the 'masculine' to address God.

God is not a gender or a creation.

However, I feel the masculine gender has been used to remind us of his 'headship', 'leadership' and 'sovereignty' over His entire kingdom.  Certain leadership/ headship roles have been assigned to males. For example, please kindly see verse 4:34 and the term 'qawwam' (manager / a securer / protector). Also spiritual guides / leaders such as Prophets in the Quran have also arguably only been men. See 'men' of the heights [1] which supports this. Also another related Q&A may also share insights as to why certain roles have been assigned to men in particular [2].

Thus in the language of humans and the gender roles assigned, the masculine has arguably been used.

However, this does not mean that the female gender is undervalued, as the Quran goes out of its way to show balance and equality in matters pertaining to spirituality and accomplishment. (33:35)

I hope this helps, God willing,


[1] Men of the Heights?
[2] Can Women Lead Mixed Congregational Prayers?
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