The "Holy" Qur'an

Started by DARahman, September 08, 2015, 06:06:45 AM

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Assalaamu Alaikum Brother Joseph,

I have noticed that Allah does not describe the Qur'an as "Holy" in the Qur'an.  I have seen many lists like this link: that lists the names of the Qur'an.  While names like The Blessed, The Light, The Reminder, The Truth, The Criterion etc...are listed; The "Holy" is not.

It is not uncommon for Muslim translators and commentators to refer to the Qur'an as the "Holy" Qur'an.

I have two questions:

1.   Do you agree that Allah does not describe the Qur'an as "Holy"
2.   If Allah has not described the Qur'an as "Holy" can it be said translators and commentators of the Qur'an are overstepping by using language to the describe the Qur'an that Allah has not used?


Joseph Islam

Dear DARahman

Wa alaikum assalam

Please see my responses to your questions in red italics.

1.   Do you agree that Allah does not describe the Qur'an as "Holy"

Yes, as far as I know, the Quran is not described as 'Holy' (Quddus) in one sentence in the Quran.

2.   If Allah has not described the Qur'an as "Holy" can it be said translators and commentators of the Qur'an are overstepping by using language to the describe the Qur'an that Allah has not used?

No as there is a strong / plausible reasoning which could explain the translators cogent inference. If the Quran is revealed by God and God Himself is described as 'Holy' (Quddus) in both verses 59:23 and 62:1 of the Quran, then what does that make the Quran if not Holy (as well as other descriptions)?

Therefore,  I personally see nothing wrong with the Quran as being referred to as Holy.

I hope that helps, God willing.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Assalaamu Alaikum Brother Joseph,

Thank you as always for your thoughtful reply.

I was leaning towards not referring the Qur'an as "Holy" because Allah does not refer to the Qur'an as Holy.   That's where I have landed.

One thought I had was that Prophet Isa (PBUH) is Allah's Word, but I do not consider Prophet Isa (PBUH) or any other Prophet Holy.   I think one could argue semantics or intent, but in this case I plan to cling to the language in the Qur'an.

Allah knows best.


Truth Seeker


If God himself describes Himself as Holy, then surely by describing His scripture as the Holy Quran by inference is not a bad thing.