Should we reject hadith ?

Started by Sstikstof, September 17, 2015, 05:52:29 AM

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Quote from: Sstikstof on February 08, 2016, 04:07:30 AM
Thanks for the reply.  :)

Can you please tell me what is single chain & multiple chain of hadith?

Shalom / peace Sstikstof .. Bro Joseph has a great article on this site which explains it really well......>pls try to see if there are articles relating to your queries as well>>>thanks.

The Difference between hadith and sunnah -


Shalom / Peace .... Please also see other Bro Joseph's comments >>>>>

QuoteHowever, it is also unreasonable to suggest complete corruption of the Islamic secondary sources. Classical scholars should be fully appreciated in the endeavours they have made to pass on their efforts to succeeding generations of Muslims. However, it is also a mistake to consider them as 'authorities' in such a way that their works become the source of guidance themselves and beyond reproach. Classical or modern works should always be understood, appreciated and critically evaluated in the light of the Quran.

A befitting statement is noted by a modern scholar which is worthwhile reproducing as an excerpt.

"It would, therefore, be improper to ignore or underestimate the significance of the Ahadith literature as a historical source even if its authenticity may appeal doubtful. The modern Occidentalists are of the opinion that in spite of the fact that Apocrypha are of doubtful authenticity, we can still peep through them into the social life and behaviour of their fabricators, hence their significance as a source of history should not be denied. Similarly, even such portions of the hadith material as have been declared fake, unauthentic and of doubtful nature, contain most valuable hints regarding one or the other aspect of the early Islamic society"    [1]

[1] SINGH. N.K, Encyclopaedia Historiography of the Muslim World, Global Vision Publishing House, First Edition 2003, Page 319


My response to a young believing soul who asked...

Read the Quran taking it as sole religious authority and God's final testament. Extract from it the best meaning, make it your criteria to judge and implement its guidance.

Assess the traditions that have reached you in whatever culture you live in. Do not simply dismiss them but sharpen the ability to discern. Those traditions of your culture that fall within the spirit and guidance of the Quran, be free to embrace it. Those that do not, respectfully leave it aside or curtail your involvement in it.
Respect the traditions of others. God has created us a diverse people.

Despite the inclination at times, we must all endeavour to refrain from judging others. Only God knows how much truth has reached one, their particular journey, what is in their hearts and how He wishes to test them.

Make it a habit to read the Quran frequently, even a few passages a day. It is an immense source of comfort to the human spirit to allow God to speak with you directly and with regularity.

With age, experience and subsequent wisdom, the Quran will speak to you in different ways, helping you to make the most of this transient world and aiding you to grow spiritually in preparation for the next.

Be mindful and respectful to others and their journey in what they believe by bringing to the fore your own experiences. We are all travellers, taking different routes and resting at different destinations. In the end, the goal for all of us is to God.

Be at peace.

This is what I also believe is Quran-centric!


"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!