The Existence of Jinnaat in Islamic Point of View

Started by abdulmajeed31, November 16, 2015, 08:39:02 PM

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The article translated jinn as something that is hidden or unseen.

Sardar Miyan

Sorry for mistake sister mia666. Bro Joseph Islam is concerned with the narration as per Quran and he is not concerned with traditions & beliefs. Don't expect Hadiths & other stories fro him.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Just because something, or someone is "hidden" (from view) doesn't mean it/he is a "genie" !!! Take the occult/covert minority of furtives/privateers -that own and run the corrupt monetary system- as an example.
The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Quote from: hicham9 on January 18, 2016, 01:03:10 AM
Salute @Sardar,

How does the article you recommend translate adj. جن  ?

Why do you think this word is an adjective rather than a noun?

Sardar Miyan

The QM Forum does not recognize anything other than Quran therefore do not believe in any other stories other than Quran.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light


Quote from: A.H.A on January 18, 2016, 05:42:28 AM
Why do you think this word is an adjective rather than a noun?

Because, to my knowledge, the term is used as an epithet in the Qurān.

What noun in English do you see as the equivalent of QA. جن  ?

Plz don't say "genie" !
The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Quote from: hicham9 on January 18, 2016, 06:01:35 AM

Because, to my knowledge, the term is used as an epithet in the Qurān.

What noun in english do you see as the equivalent of QA. جن  ?

Plz don't say "genie" !

It doesn't matter, description is important not the name/title. The way the Quran describes them, it looks like they are different than humans. For instance:

We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; Q[15:27]
And the Jinn, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind. Q[15:28]


And we [the Jinn] pried into the secrets of heaven; but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires. Q[72:8]
'We used, indeed, to sit there in stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush. Q[72:9]


Quote from: A.H.A on January 18, 2016, 06:24:11 AM
It doesn't matter, description is important not the name/title. The way the Quran describes them, it looks like they are different than humans.

I beg to disagree.

Quote from: A.H.A on January 18, 2016, 06:24:11 AMFor instance:
We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; Q[15:27]
And the Jinn, We had created before, from the fire of a scorching wind. Q[15:28]

The term used in 15:27 is NOT جن ~ but جان  !!!

Learn the difference, brother.

Quote from: A.H.A on January 18, 2016, 06:24:11 AMAnd we [the Jinn] pried into the secrets of heaven; but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires. Q[72:8]
'We used, indeed, to sit there in stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush. Q[72:9]

& misconstruction.

These are humans talking,
not "genies" (as you were taught by sunnis).

The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Quote from: hicham9 on January 18, 2016, 06:32:31 AM
The term used in 15:28 is NOT جن but جان  !!!
Learn the difference, brother.

That word means "the father of Jinn" according to dictionary.

Quote from: hicham9 on January 18, 2016, 06:32:31 AM
These are humans talking,
not "genies"

Why does Quran refer to Jinn and Ins separately? If they are no different, then why just not calling them "Ins" or "Jinn" rather than "Ins" and "Jinn".

But we do think that no "Ins" and "Jinn" should say aught that untrue against God. Q[72:5]

Then which of the favours of your Lord will you (dual plural) deny. Q[55:xx]


The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Quote from: hicham9 on January 18, 2016, 06:54:30 AM
Here's how a جني looks like.

But, by that definition, how do you explain these verses?



Salam Mia

Regarding what you said
Quoteyou know how the Kabah was originally built by Abraham? Abraham's son Ishmael apparently migrated to Arabia, and his descendants, the pagan Arabs, messed up the Kabah and started putting idols in it.
Please see below the articles below [1] [2] that might clarify some things Insha'Allah.

Salam hicham9

This site has been dedicated sincerely by very hard efforts and is intended for people who seek the truth and take the best of what they hear. I feel you are confusing people instead of teaching them by stating what you think and not providing any proof to your arguments. I don't think that is your intention. Religion and faith are very serious issue and should not be talked about without knowledge. Some people lack knowledge but they certainly are looking for a right path and answers about their existence. Therefore they choose with their intelligence to take best from what makes sense according to there God given gift of discernment. This is not blind following. They are verifying the truth for themselves.

There are subjects and concepts people discuss. Since not everyone is well versed with the Quran, and may not be blessed with the knowledge that it contains, or may have a life that is time consumed by making ends meet, they may not have the privilege of spending much time researching. Some don't speak the Arabic at all. So based on important topics and subjects, they ask those who have understanding and rooted with knowledge to show verification of the topics in discussion.

You have been asked some sincere questions over time and you have not provided sincere honest answers with proof and verification.

Please take this site seriously my brother

Peace and Blessings




Salam Hamzeh,

I read over the articles you cited and it appears that my theory was incorrect (sorry Seraphina


Salam Hamzeh, sorry for the abrupt end to my previous reply. It appears that many of my replies have been disappearing lately. I typed up 3 paragraphs, but only 1 showed up when I hit post. Oh well. Regarding the articles you cited, I read through them and it appears that my theory was incorrect. I assumed that Abraham's progeny brought Islam to Arabia, and gradually the Arabs messed it up with their pagan rituals. The Quran came down to correct the pagan rituals but to maintain the original Abrahamic rituals of Kabah pilgrimage and the like. If this isn't the case, then what actually happened? How did some of the beliefs and cultural elements of pagan Arabia filter into Quranic Islam? For example, Muslims believe in jinn, which came from pagan Arabia, not Abraham, right? (Please correct me if I'm mistaken.) If you could clarify how this happened, I'd really appreciate it, since I'm a but confused right now :)


Sorry, I missed a bit at the end of the article! This is what it said:

"It was further posited given the Quranic verses, that Abrahamic rites were reinstituted at the Kaaba for the followers of the final revelation. The connection between them and the ancients was one of faith rather than that of geographical locale.

The Kaaba was a site for Pagan worship. A messenger amongst the community was raised to rehearse to them God's verses, to sanctify them and to teach them scripture and wisdom (62:2). Practices that were incongruent with Islam were challenged and subsequently removed. Those commensurate with the teachings of Islam were allowed to remain (2:158). This was the perfection that was completed (5:3).

No doubt, Prophet Muhammad's  (pbuh) affiliation with the site at Makkah was historic, possibly since childhood (2:144 -  "...So We shall surely turn you to a direction of devotion / prayer (Arabic: Qiblatan) that you will be pleased with..."). This site was chosen to become the direction and Holy sanctuary for the new Muslims. It was here that the practices of old were reinstituted by Divine decree.

In the end, only God knows best." ~ JAI

Brother Hamzeh: From this, it becomes clear that my theory was partially correct, in relation to the Kabah and its pagan rituals being eliminated. However, what about jinn? How did they become part of Islam? Any thoughts? :)