Geocentrism and Flat Earth in Quran II

Started by Star, January 05, 2016, 12:24:09 AM

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The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hassan A

Salaam hichman9,

QuoteAnother fake composite image by NASA

If an image from NASA (taken from space) is unable to convince you, then I fail to see how anything will convince you.

It is truly disturbing that there are individual, in the 21st century, who still hold to the believe that the earth is flat.

But, if you wish for your believe (of the earth being flat) to be challenged and refuted from science perspective, then perhaps you won't mind starting a trend based on this subject over on 'Quora' ( or over on '' ( The reason why I suggest you post your argument/s over at 'Quora' or on '' is for the simple reason that Quora seems to have more active and knowledgeable individuals (with respect science, astronomy, astrology, etc). And apologies to members of this forum; I am in no way suggest that you all are not knowledgeable. So, I look forward to seeing you there, and please tag me so that I may join/participate in that debate.


Salam Hassan, I'm not sure if we're allowed to challenge people to debates on external sites, but either way, I agree, Hicham9 needs to be refuted.

Hicham9: Again, where do you get this belief from?! We've shown you that the Quran doesn't support it, science doesn't support it, common sense doesn't support why do you believe in it? LOL is the only thing I'm going to say here.

Let's all support our worldview with evidence from science and scripture, not conjecture. The Quran advises against blind following of forefathers' traditions, and it appeals to people to use their reasoning skills.

Just because a couple alleged NASA pictures were computer-modified doesn't mean all of them are. In fact, Earthrise (the pic I displayed) was taken by astronauts from the ISS. So no fabrication there.



Again @Mia, I'm yet to see you (or brother Hasson) provide ONE single passage whereof the author gives mention of your imaginary "spinning ball" !!! Ye just claim the Qurān supports heliocentrism without evidence, when the textus clearly advocates a non-rotating flat earth, and never makes mention of moving, ball-shaped earth ! So, where's you scriptural evidence ?!

Also, images can be easily manipulated/faked using a photo editing application (like photoshop), if ye cannot understand this simple fact, then i see no need no continue this discussion.

Thank you

The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hassan A

Salaam hichman9,

I would like to ask you several questions if you won't mind answering them:

1)Do you hold to the believe  that the earth is flat and geocentric from a theological perspective or from a scientific/astrological perspective?

2)If even satellite images from NASA and the ISS aren't enough to convince you, then what more proof would like us to over?

3)What proof do you have with respect to your view (i.e. the earth is flat and geocentric)? And what makes those "proofs" any more credible than the ones we offer?

good logic

Peace All.
For more information, this subject has been discussed here:

GOD bless.
Total loyalty to GOD


Quote from: Hassan A on January 05, 2016, 05:09:59 AM
Salaam hichman9,
Quote from: Hasan A on January 05, 2016, 09:00:43 AM
Salaam hichman9,
Quote from: Hassan A on January 06, 2016, 02:28:54 AM
Salaam hichman9,

Why do you keep on calling me "hichman," brother Hassan ?!

Sister Mariyah got it right ... You got it wrong thrice !!! Perhaps you can't read well ! :/

Or, is it you're intentionally mispelling my name (out of arrogance), huh ?! :\/

In any case, my name is hicham, Arabic: هشام (spelled: he-shām)
From the Arabian/shemitic verbal-root هشم - to crush.

Put it a ring in your ears, if you wish to speak to me, sir.

Thank you.

The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hassan A

QuoteWhy do you keep on calling me "hichman,"

Apologies for misspelling your name. My fingers tend to move faster than my eyes at times. It was noting done out of intention.

With that said, my questions to you are still open if you won't mind answering them:

1)Do you hold to the believe  that the earth is flat and geocentric from a theological perspective or from a scientific/astrological perspective?

2)If even satellite images from NASA and the ISS aren't enough to convince you, then what more proof would like us to over?

3)What proof do you have with respect to your view (i.e. the earth is flat and geocentric)? And what makes those "proofs" any more credible than the ones we offer?


Salam Hicham9,

1) The Quran does not advocate a flat earth. Yes, it says that the land is "spread out" for us to build roads on, but it also says the earth is egg-shaped. See the Quora link Hassan provided.

2) Why does the Quran have to say that the Earth is a spinning ball for you to understand this fact? Do you also consult the Quran to find out who the current president of America is? Do you consult religious scripture to find out whether the sky is blue? The Quran is not an elem-level science textbook, it's a book of religious scripture. It's not meant to teach people about the shape of the earth.

3) If thou art trolling, rest assured that it is not amusing. I recommend that thou halt thy trolling with immediacy. Trolling shalt not be tolerated by thy moderators on this forum, and such behavior shalt not be appreciated from thee.

But seriously, if you're trolling, you need to stop. It's not funny, it's just disrespectful and it wastes time. I mean, Lord above, I can't believe I'm trying to convince someone older than me that the earth is round.

Please remember: This forum is a place for discussing intelligent issues with intelligent people. It is not for spreading outrageous conspiracy theories.



Hicham, you should also keep in mind that when all the evidence points to the earth being round, it is utterly illogical to propose otherwise. Spreading lies is condemned by the Quran, if you want scriptural ref:

"And, do not cloak (and confuse) the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth knowingly" -2.42

"(O man), follow not that whereof thou hast no knowledge. Lo! the hearing and the sight and the heart - of each of these it will be asked" -17.36

"Without doubt, the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who do not use their REASON" -8.22

NOT that verse 8:22 is referring to YOU, of course.


I'll try to address each of your questions and invalid arguments as soon as possible. I'm kind of busy right now ... Untill then,

Here's how the earth really looks like from the Ozon layer (Stratosphere) :

Image captured over the region of the Caucasus Mountains

The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hassan A

Salaam hicham9,

After having provided a picture of the earths ozone layer you said:

QuoteHere's how the earth really looks like from the Ozone layer

But did you not previously say that pictures/images can be easily manipulated and therefore should not be trusted?
Why are the pictures you provide credible and trustworthy but you dismiss the picture I and mia666 provided/ed?
Is this not a clear case of the fallacy known as Cherry picking?

So I'll again post one of my previous questions to you:

What proof do you have with respect to your view (i.e. the earth is flat and geocentric)? And what makes those "proofs" any more credible than the ones we offer?


I want to add that that is a relatively small part of the stratosphere. Earth may seem flat from there, but pictures lie. It probably has some curvature in your picture, but it's hard to tell.

THIS is the earth from another part of the stratosphere, unedited:

Even though you don't believe in photographical evidence, you are also providing pictures, so I'm going to continue providing mine.

Please stop propagating troll conspiracy theories. Aside from being annoying, it's also off-topic and most of these "theories" are kids' fairy tales.


Why is this so hard???!!!

Proof that the earth is round (I can't believe I'm even having to do this):

Honestly. I am utterly bemused (read: horrified and kind of amused) that you think our planet is flat. Please. This is not helping my faith in humanity. :'(



[edit:] With all due respect, I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just trying to explain this rather obvious fact to you. Scriptural evidence (which Brother Hassan already provided, BTW) isn't really necessary. Please utilize the common sense that God has gifted you with.


The delusive picture you provided cannot be accepted as genuine evidence of a "ball-earth" simply because it suffers from distortion, an optical aberration. This is caused by rolling shutter.

Nice try @Mariyah !
The interlinked governments are lying to us – the Earth is actually FLAT !

And, this is just the tip of the iceberg.