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Offline Qadada

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Learn arabic alphabet free for QM members
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:48:50 AM »
Salam Alakium everyone,

Many of you I am sure like to learn arabic alphabet and then be able to read Arabic texts and speak or at least understand. I had same goal and thought I will never learn how to read and write in Arabic. The first step is to find a easy and simple and clear learning method. Some use apps or YouTube videos or self taught books and I don't recommend those methods for most people since the method is  usually very hard to learn. I could not read at all any arabic texts wheather little or long, it did not matter since I could not even identify the arabic alphabet letters. That is the first step that you must take. When I first started to learn arabic alphabet I learned it at Islamic Online University and I enrolled at the Arabic Reading And Writing course by Dr. Bilal, however they currently don't provide that course now free in the free diploma section, they used to provide the course free but there was no video only audio and no video!!! So how can you take a language course and not see the teacher instruction in front of you! That makes no sense. I bought the copy of the book we used in that course so I can at least follow along and try to imagine or guess what the teacher was telling us and I learned most letters but I forgot them all shorty after due to having no visual instruction. Latter, I enrolled at Knowledge International University and enrolled into the BA program and during semester one the same instructors mainly teach at KIU as they do IOU, so the arabic course was the same. But this time there was video instruction since I was a enrolled In the paid BA degree section. So I learned al-hamdullah and I advanced in my arabic reading and writing but mainly my reading. I already could speak and understand arabic since I grew up to a Arabic family of Palestinian descent. I just could not read or write arabic texts.  And you don't even have to enroll my point is there are so many ways to learn online free and not free and there are some really cheap quality courses like mine. You can also download the book I studied free and try to self teach yourself if you want. You could contact IOU and request them to send you a free PDF copy of the book Arabic Reading And Writing Made Easy. My brother self taught himself but it took him years and took me few months as opposed to him. You can watch a free session to learn arabic alphabet and start being able to read and write arabic texts on the website and if you like to start free message on this thread:

Offline Qadada

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Re: Learn arabic alphabet free for QM members
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2016, 01:27:57 PM »
The full course is now free online and here is the first lesson on this link and you can find my video by searching Arabic alphabet song on Youtube although my course is not a sing and you can't even learn via a song: