
Started by zara, January 30, 2016, 09:21:26 AM

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Salaam all,

I just have a few questions about divorce.

1.It seems divorce is prescribed only for couples whose relationship is strained as a result of hatred,cruelty,or other similar problems.What if a couple gets along just fine but, have intimacy issues that cannot be arbitrated or solved.Can such a couple just mutually agree to separate?

2.The Quran teaches us to take action,pray,and hope for God's help.It also tells us to be patient and persevere when we have a problem.As good Muslims,should the above named couple just separate and hope for the best or should they be patient and just stick with it.


Truth Seeker

Salaam Zara,

In response to your first question, maybe the following will help:


The second question is pertinent as yes we should be patient when we face issues and seek help from God. But if the couple have exhausted all avenues, keeping good intentions to find a resolution but have failed then at least they can feel as though they have given the whole process justice.


Thank you sister truthseeker for your reply.