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Offline Anjum

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Is Quran Corrupted?
« on: February 08, 2016, 02:10:36 PM »
Salam Walaikum All...

Hope all are fine...well...i have a new doubt...may be it sounds stupid...but...i just wanted to know...earlier i had a argument with my there is communal tensions in the country...because of...some father thinks that...Quran got corrupted...and some people are using it against other religions etc...India is a secular country...everyone respect others and...there is bond of family between all...but recently...the condition of the country is little bad...since the so called Modi came to the rule...there are troubles from...some Hindu lunatics too...but it has calmed down...but...we found that...some Tawheed is organising...some conferences..and giving hate speech about other religious rituals and all...and it is again creating communal trouble in the father thinks that...people must have corrupted the Quran..he said..r u sure that...Quran is as it it was written by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...?..i is not corrupted...he do u know..that it is not...I said..i believe...he says...u believe...but what is the guranatee that it was not dear our Quran corrupt?..i do believe in God and Quran...but because of some people..people think that...Quran is propagating hatred is corrupt...i jus want to prove is not corrupt...can any one help please...

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2016, 09:39:37 PM »
This is a good question. Have you heard of the Sana Quran before? It's the oldest Quran to date, and the upper palimpset of the Sana Quran is identical to today's Hafs version. So, no, the Quran is not corrupted.

However, there are minor spelling and numbering differences between Hafs and Warsh Qurans. This does not constitute corruption, because the Quran is a recitation, and spelling differences don't affect its meaning.

Hope this helps :)

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 12:38:01 PM »
Salam Sis mia...

Thank you very much for your clarification...i have some doubt sis...Quran states...that wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...should not marry again after his death...and they are asked to stay at home...and any men should talk behind curtains with them...why was all this mentioned to especially to the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...but not to the wives of other prophets..?...and it also states not wander in the house of Prophet...and leave quickly...after eating etc etc...and...Prophet was allowed to marry...his adopted son's wife...after her divorce with his adopted son...i m just confused with these things...was it really commanded by Allah?...or people...altered it?...i seek forgiveness from Allah..for doubting Quran...but..m jus confused...hope you guys can help..Thank you...

With best regards,

Offline Truth Seeker

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2016, 07:48:44 PM »
Salaam Anjum,

The Quran is not corrupted because it was also committed to memories of so many thus guaranteeing that preservation was maintained.

So in that respect the verses as they are now are in tact and unadultered.

You say:
Quran states...that wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...should not marry again after his death...and they are asked to stay at home...and any men should talk behind curtains with them...why was all this mentioned to especially to the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)...but not to the wives of other prophets..?...and it also states not wander in the house of Prophet...and leave quickly...after eating etc etc...and...Prophet was allowed to marry...his adopted son's wife...after her divorce with his adopted son...i m just confused with these things...was it really commanded by Allah?...or people...altered it?..

If a command was given to the prophet's wives and not others before, it does not mean that it is unfair. God in His ultimate wisdom decided that the wives of the prophet were the 'mothers of the believers' and had a high status that demanded respect.

In regards to leaving their houses, I do not think that is a literal instruction but more of an indication that their duty was to their household and they should focus on that.

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2016, 11:13:38 AM »
I echo what sister TS said :)

The Prophet was allowed to marry his adopted son's wife because there was this idea going around that marrying the divorced wife of an adopted son was an abomination. However, since an adopted son is not one's actual son, this idea was unfounded. Allah corrected it by instructing the Prophet to marry his adopted son's wife as an example to other believers.

Hope this helps :D

Offline Anjum

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2016, 12:54:35 PM »
Salam sis...Truth Seeker...

I understand your i m reading Quran in english...i have gone through many verses...which were in favor of..Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) i might have been corrupted or interpreted...according to them...that is why..i was confused...can you give me some valid points sister? that...i can..prove my dad that...Quran is not corrupted...i just want to show him is not corrupted...:)...i hope you can help me...Thank you very much...

With best regards...

Offline Anjum

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2016, 12:55:36 PM »
Salam Sis Mia...

OH...i didnt knew about know..thank you very much sis...:)...Hope you could answer my another question...too...:)...u will find it in this post...:)

Thanks and best regards,

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2016, 11:31:40 AM »
Salam :)

Your other question is regarding the way people were instructed to act in the Prophet's house, right? I think these instructions were provided because prophets were very prominent and important and had to be respected. It is mentioned in the Quran that Muhammad had a lot of things to do, and often people would unintentionally linger for too long in his house, but he was too shy to tell them to leave. So these verses were revealed to prevent people from accidentally disrespecting him.

Also, about how the Prophet's wives had to be spoken to from behind a curtain: There was a tradition back then of veiling and quasi-isolating the highest women in society. This tradition existed to keep them away from harm, corruption, and lustful men. The command regarding hijab specifically for Muhammad pbuh's wives was meant mainly for them, but it can serve as a reminder to everyone else that women have to be respected.

The command to "stay in your homes", addressed specifically (again) to his wives, was not meant to place them under house arrest. Please see the below article by Joseph Islam, and scroll down to part 2, which is about this particular verse. Joseph highlights the fact that righteous movement is permissible and encouraged for all female believers.

Mia :) :) :)

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 09:22:49 AM »
Salam Wakas,

Is Misconceptions also your own website? I like it a lot. It helped at the beginning when I was struggling to understand certain concepts.

Offline Anjum

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2016, 01:38:54 PM »
Salam Sis Mia...

Thank you very much for your explanation...:)...i understand now...:)...Thanks...and sis...can you give me a valid point...that...Quran is not that...i can show to my dad....:)...Thank you...

With best regards,

Offline Anjum

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2016, 01:39:22 PM »
Salam Brother Wakas...

Thank you very much for your links...:)...

With best regards,

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2016, 07:42:45 AM »
Salam :) ...

I don't know what empirical evidence to offer except for the authenticity of ancient Quranic manuscripts. I can start with the Sana Quran. It has 2 layers of text, an upper layer and a lower layer. The lower layer has minor variants and is not exactly identical to today's Hafs Quran. Many people use this to discredit the Quran and claim it is corrupted. However, the differences between the lower text of the Sana Quran and today's Quran are simply spelling differences that don't change the meaning of the verses. The upper text of the Sana Quran is exactly identical to today's Hafs version. This shows that the Quran as it exists today, was also in existence during Muhammad's time, and that the certified Hafs Quran has not been changed throughout history, aside from spelling. Plus, spelling doesn't count, because the Quran is a recitation and spelling does not affect recitation.

For more information, please see this link. Scroll down to about halfway and read from there.

Here is an excerpt:

"This will probably come as a surprise to some of you: some revisionist scholars have held that the Qur’an is some sort of composite text originating later than the traditional dating. The easiest way to disprove that something does not exist is to show that object existing! Since we actually do have a Qur’an dating from during this time, we can safely put to rest any fanciful ideas on the origins of the Qur’an."

This basically means that the Quran existed in full form during Muhammad's time and that Muhammad's Quran was identical to ours except for minor spelling/numbering variants.

There are other ancient Quranic manuscripts such as the Tashkent Quran, which is currently, I believe, on display in a museum.

In the interest of academic honesty, it should be noted that early Qurans did not contain diacritical marks. That is because the Quran was revealed to Muhammad by oral transmission, and "honorable scribes" (described in the Quran) wrote it down. The addition of marks does not constitute corruption because these marks do not change the text; they simply make it more legible for people who don't understand Arabic. Anyone who knows Arabic can read the Quran without any diacritical marks, and Qurans without diacritical marks still, obviously, exist. However, marks have been added for clarity.

Sorry, I think I repeated myself a few times. You can tell me if anything was unclear. Hope you can convince your dad :)

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2016, 08:34:04 PM »
Salaam Mia666,

Thank you for your input and trying to assist Anjum. :)
I will say to Anjum though that it is the person saying the Quran is corrupt that should be explaining their position not vice versa.

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Re: Is Quran Corrupted?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2016, 07:04:32 AM »
Yes I run the misconceptions site but anyone can submit articles for it.