Women Modest Dress Example

Started by Sstikstof, February 02, 2016, 05:25:38 PM

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Salam sister Truthseeker,

Your interpretation of modest dressing makes sense. :) However, certain regulations may be controlled by the standards of the society we live in (and you've alluded to this as well). I think the main rules of dressing are: (a) decency as per society, (b) covering anything with a sexual connotation, and (c) wearing the "clothing of piety".



Quote from: Truth Seeker on February 07, 2016, 09:18:10 AM
Salaam all,

I am sure that you have all read Joseph's article regarding covering.

Taking all the verses into consideration, I hold the view that the hair is part of a woman's zeenat and should be covered..not strictly every strand though and not only with a headscarf as hats would suffice too.

In order to take into consideration the many different cultural dresses, the Quran doesn't stipulate a particular style of clothing.

So what I understand is that the clothing should not be tight, arms and legs should be covered but 3/4 sleeves would be acceptable too. A must would be some sort of additional covering for the bosom. Also if you were to wear western dress then long tops that cover the bottom would be required in order to fulfill the instruction and jeans etc should not be tight fitting.
regarding head cover, I see middle of this article expresses very logical approach. Please check, http://www.quranicpath.com/misconceptions/hijab_niqab.html
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!

Truth Seeker

Salaam mia666

I agree that we are to live in society and different societies have different norms. If though a particular society has norms of showing a lot of flesh for example it doesn't mean that we aquiesece to it.