Is Head covering compulsory according to Quran?

Started by Anjum, February 16, 2016, 01:37:00 PM

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Salam Walaikum All...

Hope you are all fine...i came across a new interpretation...i saw this interpretation in a site...

"...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms..."

Khumur خُمُرٌ is plural of khimarخِمَارٌ , the veil covering the head. See any Arabic dictionary like Lisanu 'l-'Arab, Majma'u 'l-Bahrayn or al-Munjid.

Al-Munjid, which is the most popular dictionary in the Arab world, defines al-khimar as "something with which a woman conceals her head —ما تغطى به المرأة رأسها ." Fakhru 'd-Din al-Turayhi in Majma'u 'l-Bahrayn (which is a dictionary of Qur'anic and hadith terms) defines al-khimar as "scarf, and it is known as such because the head is covered with it."2

So the word khimar, by definition, means a piece of cloth that covers the head.

(2) Then what does the clause "placing the khumur over the bosoms" mean?
According to the commentators of the Qur'an, the women of Medina in the pre-Islamic era used to put their khumur over the head with the two ends tucked behind and tied at the back of the neck, in the process exposing their ears and neck. By saying that, "place the khumur over the bosoms," Almighty Allah ordered the women to let the two ends of their headgear extend onto their bosoms so that they conceal their ears, the neck, and the upper part of the bosom also.

So according to the above interpretation it compulsory to cover your head?...m tired and confused of this topic..hope you guys can help.

Best regards,


First of all see my signature about what Quran says. We translate Quran from lexicon, not from other sources. In lexicon dictionary, it says,

Please note the primary rendering of the word 'Khimar' in John Penrice's 1873 dictionary as 'a covering'. The lexicographer is also correct to note the most popular usage of the word as a veil of the head and face. However this is not the 'primary' meaning.

Information regarding what women wore at the time of Jahliyya (Period of Ignorance) or what their Khimar's consisted of, are only known to us by traditions and folklore often centuries removed from source and not the Quran. Many of these narratives are well known to be aggressive interpretations against women. The Quran is and undoubtedly remains the primary source of any interpretation of Quranic words. The word 'Khimar' or 'Khumur' comes from the root 'Kh-Mim'Ra' which means something which veils or conceals.

The last point to note is the Arabic word: 'yadribna' which is formed from the root word 'Da-Ra-Ba' which in this context means to draw or draw over (as in to cover).  This term does not necessarily or exclusively imply that it is to be drawn from a particular location such as the head.

Therefore, a better rendering of the specific part of the verse in question is as follows:

    "...And to draw their coverings over their chests" (24:31)

The focus is simply on the chest. If one is to remain true to the classical Arabic and the Quran itself, there is also no implication of 'hair covering' by virtue of the word 'bi'khumurihinna' which simply means 'a covering' in its primary sense. The 'head-covering' is just one example which has also become a popular example and often used to interpret the Quran.
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!


Shalom / peace all...>>>

From what I know, the above link is to bro Wakas's own website (Wakas  - pls correct if I'm wrong....>>)

All - you may find interesting bro Joseph's discussion / debate with bro Wakas over 4 years ago on another isn't accessible anymore as that forum doesn't seem to exist anymore ...but this website has preserved the discussion. Worth reading. ..particularly what I thought were bro Joseph's very convincing arguments as usual ...>>>

A Woman's Awrah's%20Awrah.pdf

A Woman's Awrah (Part II)'s%20Awrah%20(Part%202).pdf


peace Duster,

Anjum asked about "khimar". You referenced a discussion wherein bro Joseph and I never even discussed "khimar". Perhaps you were referring to the thread in general.

In any case, I consider the thread worthy of reading.

Verify for yourself.


Peace / Shalom Wakas >>>> Yes abs - I think the thread was a very good discussion tbh between the both of you ... I think it was worthy of sharing... Do you or anyone know why the salaatforum was taken down???? just fell out of use???


Salam Brother Sstikstof..

Thank you very much for explanation...:)...This makes things simple and easier...:)...Thank you very much brother...its clear now...:)...

Thnx a ton...

With best regards,


Salam Brother Wakas...

I thank you very much for your link...:) was helpful...and its great to know maintain that site...Thank you very much brother...:)

With best regards,


Salam Brother Duster..

I read both Wakas and Joseph articles...:)...and thank you again for sending me those links...:)...It was good and interesting...:)...Thanks a lot..

With best regards,


From the link I gave:
QuoteAdditional notes for Arabic readers:
The word "khumur" is used in 24:31 and can be the plural of "khimaar" or "khimirr", and can mean any cover made of cloth or headcover, according to Classical Arabic dictionaries and Traditional Ahadith/Narrations (see Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 282). Please note the Arabic preposition "bi" meaning "with" in "bikhumurihinna", which means they are to cover their chests with their "khumur/covers/headcovers". The usage of preposition "bi" is different to the preposition "min" as used in 33:59 "min jalabeebihinna" which means to use a part of their "jilbab/outer-garment" in the modification suggested, i.e. not all of it has to be lowered or drawn near, just part of it. In 24:31 if God intended that part of it (e.g. headcover) stays on the head and part of it be used to cover the bosom, it would have been more appropriate to use "min khumurhinna". Furthermore, the word "yadribna" as used in 24:31 has no connotation of lengthening or lowering in any other occurrence, unlike "yudneena" in 33:59 which does, thus would have been more appropriate to use.
Even if "khumur" is taken to mean "headcovers" it should be noted that the order is to cover the chest, not the head - of course, one may cover their head if they wish.

A favourite tactic of mine when discussing with those who think khumur means headcovers (invariably Traditional Muslims) is to refer them to the hadith reference above:

QuoteNarrated Safiya bint Shaiba:
'Aisha used to say: "When (the Verse): "They should draw their veils/khumur (over their necks and bosoms," was revealed, (the ladies) cut their izar/waist sheets at the edges and made covers with it (the cut pieces)."

I then ask: If khumur means headcover did Aisha and the believing women disobey God by using their izars instead? or did they not know the meaning of khumur?

The resultant confusion on their face is often amusing.

Try it.
Verify for yourself.


Actually, I just read the Arabic of that hadith (it says made covers/khumur with it). Thus, there is a possible explanation they could give, which is: their current headcovers were not long enough to cover the chest, thus they cut their waist sheets and made headcovers from them, which were then long enough to fulfil the alleged request.

In any case, the original point still stands about the plural khumur and the command being to cover the chest not head, see discussion:
Verify for yourself.


Salam Brother Wakas..

Thank you very much for your references and logic..:)..

Ya that is right..they just say something and relate it to Hadeeth..hehehe..u made a good point..bravo..:) know..its kind of lil tough to explain things to these people..they just think themselves to be pious and consider us as disobeying...who cares...

Well..Thank you very much once again brother..:)

With best regards,


Quote from: Wakas on February 24, 2016, 08:57:16 AM
Actually, I just read the Arabic of that hadith (it says made covers/khumur with it). Thus, there is a possible explanation they could give, which is: their current headcovers were not long enough to cover the chest, thus they cut their waist sheets and made headcovers from them, which were then long enough to fulfil the alleged request.

In any case, the original point still stands about the plural khumur and the command being to cover the chest not head, see discussion:
Sometimes I like Wakas posts which made me enjoyable to read.  :P
"And no example do they bring to you but We bring to you the truth and the BEST TAFSEER (EXEGESIS)." 25:33

The best commentary of the Qur'an is the Qur'an itself!

Sardar Miyan

Salam all Head covering is not ordained by Quran it says cover your bosoms with a piece of cloth that's all. Don't go into any Hadith but follow only Quran.
May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light
