how enter faith in my heart ?

Started by ZKAB90, February 26, 2016, 10:08:43 AM

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First, I want to say that English isn't my maternal language and this text can contain grammatical errors. I reverted to Islam only for fear of the Hell, when I was introduced to the astonishing mathematical miracles of the Qu'ran [see here]. I think that these stuff is too special to be developped by humans.

Therefore, it must come from God. These numerical patterns created in my mind a trouble I never experimented before: the possibility of a life after death, with all the consequences.

The possibility of an everlasting Hell is the real cause of my "reversion".

But, despite all these proofs, I'm still not 100% persuaded about the existence of God. I know that's may sound contradictory, but my nihilistic attitude is too strong.

I know that the universe, the Earth, the Sun and so on can't be their own creators, it must be one essence that created them, but my heart is very different of my rationality. So I can rational admit the existence of God and the veracity of the Qu'ran but at the same time not believe in both, neither God's existence neither Qu'ran. This is the great deal, I think my heart is sealed.

And, I'm still forcing into believe in Moon split, Isra and Miraj...but is hard, my brain can't swallow this, even if I acknowledge the unseen dimension in which these phenomenon may have been realized...

So, of course I'm not Mu'min... not even a Muslim [a Submitted] ! Because the ritual of the salat is pure theatre, and being an actor starting to be so boring...

But I have a question: if I will submit, so I will make salat, Ramadan, without believe deeping in it, can I reach the Paradise however ?

I fear about because Qu'ran say:

018.104: Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?
018.105: They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on the Day of Judgment, give them any weight.
018.106: That is their reward, Hell, because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers by way of jest.
009.073: O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end.


I had to answer this.

First of all, I don't want to mess up any faith you might currently have, but hell is not eternal. Please see:

Second of all, you don't need to believe in Muhammad's alleged ascent to heaven or any of that fluff. These things are not in the Quran and are based on the corpus of hadiths/sunnah. Muhammad did not split the moon. The Quran is the only legitimate religious authority:

The Quran's ideology is simple. God is one. You have to believe in Him to attain peace and happiness. Ritual salah can be performed in any way that works for you. It does not need to be an act. You don't need to have a set number of rakahs for every prayer. You can improvise. Please see:

Prayer can take many forms.

Also, your heart is obviously not sealed, because you are pretty close to recognizing the truth of the Quran, and you seem to want to believe in God.

The Quran is a miracle in itself because it completes the chain of divine books and prophethood. It has a lot of other interesting attributes if you want to look deeper. No one has ever produced a chapter like one of the Quran's. If you want proof of this, I can provide it in due course, God willing.

I've felt the way you described before, but if you pray and ask God for guidance, He always gives it to you. I know from experience. I am happy to say that I recognize the truth of the Quran now. (It took ages, though.)

God must exist for the universe to exist. The universe had a beginning. It's only 13.5 billion years old. Something existed before the advent of the universe. That was God. God exists outside of space and time and He is the originator of everything. No other theory makes sense. If God didn't exist, then you wouldn't either.

God had no beginning, since He exists outside of time. This might seem unbelievable, but it's true. You know how time bends and slows down around black holes? This phenomenon is not something we can comprehend, but it happens, and physics has proven it. God's attributes are a bit like that.

Heaven does sound a bit too good to be true, but trust me, it isn't. God can create whatever He wants, including Heaven. It might seem far-fetched, but think about the world. It has been designed with a purpose. Moral laws have been designed for a purpose. We are all being held to account for our sins. Otherwise life would be purposeless and God would have created the world for no reason--but God has a reason for everything!

If you have philosophical objections to the concept of God, I can probably answer them, no matter how strange they are. Trust me, I've been there. :)

If you pray and fast without true belief, you can probably still go to Heaven in my opinion, but that's no fun. You're eventually going to need something more. Don't submit to a life of mechanical prayer. It's incredibly boring. Please do investigate and learn more.

:) Good luck

Hassan A

Salaam ZKAB90,

With regards to the splitting of the moon I believe the following article by Joseph Islam should help:

With regards to Isra and Miraj, again, I believe the following article by Joseph Islam should clear things up:

Muhammad Assad commentary on that event, in which he explains that Isra and Mira were spiritual journeys undertaken by Muhammad (pbuh) and not necessarily a physical one, is also helpful.:

Finally, allow me to say that it is completely ok and understandable if you are having doubts with regards to the existence of Allah. Blindly accepting the existence of Allah (and His revelations) are condemned in the Quran, as the following verse attest to:

"Those who, when the revelations of their Lord are presented to them, do not fall thereat deaf and blind"[25:73]

In my opinion, the above verse has two powerful meanings:

1) Do not blindly reject God and His revelations (out of pride, arrogance or ignorance) without having first studied/analyzed/scrutinized it (29:44; 3:190; 45:3-6; 10:6; et...).

2) And, do not blindly accept God and His revelations simply because it was passed down to you by parents; but upon all of us is the responsibility to analyzing/scrutinize/studying it  and then (and only then) come to acceptance, after our senses (all evidence) conforms it to be the truth. Islam forbids accepting/upholding any matter which we have not first sought verification for with our own faculties.

Those familiar with the story of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) will undoubtedly realize that this is exactly the approach Prophet Abraham (pbuh) employed when he left the ways of his forefathers. He questioned his inherited beliefs and searched for the truth using his own faculties (referred to in the Quran as the 'millate of Ibrahim') which put him at odds with his father and his people who even set up to destroy him in a pit of fire.[1]

Allah, in the Quran, continuously instructs us to follow the "Millate (creed/way) of Ibrahim" (see: Quran: 16:123; 2:135; 3:95).
Millat means a path or a way in Arabic. The Millat-e-Ibrahim, therefore, denotes the ideology of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) and how he reached them after a long intellectual and spiritual journey. Quran tells us about his experiences in the quest for the truth. How he considered a star, moon and sun as his God, but then eventually rejected them as mere creatures and how he finally came to believed in their Creator/Allah [6:76-79]. Therefore, Millat-e-Ibrahim is a state of inquisition and questioning (things) until the truth has been reached. In this is a powerful lesson to be learnt from.

So it is ok to have doubts and question your faith. But if you earnestly endeavor to find the truth (with regards to you situation) then the truth you shall find. This is a personal journey in which you (alone) must undertake.

If I may suggest one thing: It is always helpful ( I've come to find) to speak to/with non-Muslims who have converted to Islam. Perhaps they will shed some helpful light regarding the religion and what convinced them conclude it (Islam) is the truth.

May Allah assist you. And I and the other members on this forum will be happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have.




Is this 666 a Satan issue?  :P

<<Second of all, you don't need to believe in Muhammad's alleged ascent to heaven or any of that fluff. These things are not in the Quran and are based on the corpus of hadiths/sunnah. Muhammad did not split the moon. The Quran is the only legitimate religious authority>>

I know this forum are a little heretical (for a random Muslim/a) and of course I'm aware that is based in hadith's rejection. But the rejection of the travel in the Heaven is considered like being the rejection of the generally understanding of the sura. That is, there are people who (sincerely or not, isn't the problem) understand, after a lecture, that the travel really happened. That isn't an allegorical sentence.

The other problem is that rejecting the Travel is like rejecting the majesty of Allah because if He created the Earth from nothing, He can easily move his Messenger from a city to another in the unseen and unknown dimensions of the live.
And discuss about it with any random Muslim, whoever is (Ahmadi, Sunni orthodox, Reformist, Shia, Wahabi, Sufi ,Alevi, even Quranist) will be seen like a negation of the power of God.

<<Ritual salah can be performed in any way that works for you. It does not need to be an act. You don't need to have a set number of rakahs for every prayer. You can improvise>>

If I understand correctly Islam, this religion is of course a relation between the Creator and his creature, but also a relation between people who follow the dogma, or the mainly accepted Aqida. Tell that salah can be performed in any way will be inevitably enter in conflict with all schools of teaching; even reformists says that we must follow the example of Ibrahim in his salah. The salah of Ibrahim is realized by Muhammad, and the processus is explained in the Hadiths, not in the Qu'ran. So, affirm this will scandalize everyone, even the most tolerant and open-minded people.

<<Also, your heart is obviously not sealed, because you are pretty close to recognizing the truth of the Quran, and you seem to want to believe in God>>

Yes, I am pretty close to recognizing the truth. But not the enough to believe in it, and that's the dilemma.

<<God must exist for the universe to exist. The universe had a beginning. It's only 13.5 billion years old. Something existed before the advent of the universe. That was God. God exists outside of space and time and He is the originator of everything. No other theory makes sense. If God didn't exist, then you wouldn't either>>

As explained before, I have no problem in rationally admit the existence of God, but the heart [or the soul] is not quick to recognizing yet. And this schizophrenic behaviour is not my fault. Is for that I'm starting to think that my heart is sealed. God guide who He will. Even if we want to believe in He, isn't not our ability, it's a gift which He gives to us.



Aleikum salam,

<<Muhammad Assad commentary on that event, in which he explains that Isra and Mira were spiritual journeys undertaken by Muhammad (pbuh) and not necessarily a physical one, is also helpful>>

This is not the belief of the majority of Muslims.  By the way, there are a lot of pages, like the world's first propagandist of the scientific miracles [Answering Christianity] who publish  this and other crazy articles like this
Any way, I can't take seriously Mr. Asad. If he is not a perennialist, well, is very pretty close to them. Read the Perennialist Poison In Martin Ling's Biography of the Prophet. A Discussion with Martin Lings, by the ultra-orthodox Salafi Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi. Kanadi complete destroyed Lings [and of course the like of he: Schuon, Guénon, ...].

<<May Allah assist you. And I and the other members on this forum will be happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have>>

Thanks for your availability. I hope God will reward you.

Hassan A

Salaam ZKAB90,

You said:

QuoteThis is not the belief of the majority of Muslims

First off, on what grounds can you claim to know which view the majority of Muslims adhere to with respect to Isra and Mira? Unless you have spoken with every single Muslim and gotten their views/beliefs with respect to Isra and Mira you have no ground to assert what the majority beliefs.

Secondly, even if the majority of Muslims adhered to the belief that Isra and Mira were physical (and not spiritual) journeys undertaken by the prophet that still doesn't prove anything. Just because the majority adheres to particular view does not make that view true; this is known as the appeal to majority.

Thirdly, may I ask which of the two views you are in-line with? And why you support that view?

QuoteI can't take seriously Mr. Asad. If he is not a perennialis

So you're dismissing his solely because he isn't a "perennialist"? With all due respect, that is a ridicules reason to not take him seriously. Judge hims solely based on the arguments he makes and nothing more.


<<Secondly, even if the majority of Muslims adhered to the belief that Isra and Mira were physical (and not spiritual) journeys undertaken by the prophet that still doesn't prove anything. Just because the majority adheres to particular view does not make that view true; this is known as the appeal to majority.>>

I do not know random Muslims vision about Isra & Miraj. But what I know is that scholars dict fatwas, and are pro-physical travel and not the philosophical or spiritual "journey".

<<So you're dismissing his solely because he isn't a "perennialist"?>>

On the contrary, I not take seriously because HE IS perennialist. And perennialist arguments had been refuted by serious Salafi scholars long time ago.

Hassan A

You said:

QuoteBut what I know is that scholars dict fatwas, and are pro-physical travel and not the philosophical or spiritual "journey".

First off, this is an appeal to authority. In other words, you insist it is true simply because the scholars have said so. I, too, could cite you several other scholars who, too, lay out their arguments in favor of a spiritual journey.
Secondly, what undeniable proof do those scholars have to support their view. I am asking for proof and not conjecture.
And thirdly, do those views find unequivocal support from the Quran?

QuoteOn the contrary, I not take seriously because HE IS perennialist. And perennialist arguments had been refuted by serious Salafi scholars long time ago

I don't see how you can claim his arguments have been refuted, considering I have only presented you with one argument from Mr. Assad. Also, may I ask: Do you know who Muhammad Assad is? I ask because you keep accusing him of being a perennialist without any support for said claim.

I would also like to address some statements you've made in your reply to mia666.

You said:

QuoteBut the rejection of the travel in the Heaven is considered like being the rejection of the generally understanding of the sura

Not necessarily. How can the rejection of a physical ascend be equated with outright rejection of that sura (especially seeing as how much of the details of a physical ascend find no support from the Quran)? The Quran's take on this event is short, simple and succinct. So, I personally reject the supposed travel to heaven to have been a physical one yet that has not lead me to reject that sura.

Quotethere are people who (sincerely or not, isn't the problem) understand, after a lecture, that the travel really happened.

And similarly there are people who believe that the travel was ONLY a spiritual one and not a physical one. You have every right to adhere to one view or the other, but at least first observe the arguments made by each views adherents.

QuoteThe other problem is that rejecting the Travel is like rejecting the majesty of Allah because if He created the Earth from nothing, He can easily move his Messenger from a city to another in the unseen and unknown dimensions of the live.

Again, not true. Those, such as myself, who reject it as haven been a physical ascend are not rejecting it on the basis that Allah is unable to move his messenger from city to city.

QuoteAnd discuss about it with any random Muslim, whoever is (Ahmadi, Sunni orthodox, Reformist, Shia, Wahabi, Sufi ,Alevi, even Quranist) will be seen like a negation of the power of God.

How so?

QuoteThe salah... is realized by Muhammad, and the processus is explained in the Hadiths, not in the Qu'ran. So, affirm this will scandalize everyone, even the most tolerant and open-minded people.

I complelty dis agree with you when you assert that the salat is explain in the Hadith and not in the Quran. Allow me to explain why below:

Allah refers to the Quran as a book (full) of guidance/a guidance for mankind (see: 2:2-3; 2:185) and one which guides to a path which is most firm, right, straight and stable (31:3; 17:9; 2:2-3; 17:9; 16:89). For a book to guide it would follow that said book would contain all rituals, practices, info, and details necessary for our guidance and which would therefore lead to that guidance. But if we are to accept the argument that the salat, which are necessary for our guidance, cannot be found in the Quran and can (therefore) only be found in other sources, is to concede to the idea that the Quran is not necessarily a book "of guidance" (as all info, details and practices necessary for our guidance cannot be found in there). Because how can it on the one hand claim/call itself a "book of guidance/a guidance for mankind", yet on the other hand omit things (such as the salat) necessary for our guidance? In such instance the Quran would only contain "half guidance."

So, by claiming that the Quran does not contain ALL the rituals/info/practices (in particular the salat) fundamental to the religion AND necessary for our guidance (despite Allah having referred to it is as a book full) of guidance/a guidance for mankind -see: 2:2-3; 2:185), is to suggest that Allah has told a lie (Allah be free from such).

Allow me to ask you several question:

1) What reason does Allah have to tell us in the Quran to pray the salat, yet not even given mention as to how it is to should be performed? It would be unjust for Allah to command us to do something in the Quran (i.e. praying salat) and yet not teach (in that same book) how such command should be carried.

2) What are we to think of a scripture (i.e the Quran) that repeatedly emphasizes a certain act/practice (such as the salah) but never explains (as claimed by you) how to perform said act/practice? The conclusion drawn would be that said scripture is a terrible omission (and in that case it cannot be from God).

3) If, as claimed by you, the Hadith teaches one how to pray then how do you explain the different method each sect (and sub-sect) offers their prayer, each claiming to find support from their Hadith (associated to the prophet)?

Please consider reading the following article which explains the salat solely from a Quran perspective:



ZKAB90: My username has nothing to do with Satan.

First of all, brother Hassan, is there a way to modify your username? This is going to sound really naive, but I honestly didn't know that the number 666 was Satan-related until one of my instructors mentioned it and all the other students, who are supposed to be sensible and intelligent, suddenly started acting really immature, shouting about the Salem Witch Trials. ::) I just liked the number 6, that's all. Maybe I should get rid of it.

ZKAB90: I don't mind being a "heretic" if I'm right. I think you should have a look at Joseph Islam/Yusuf Islam's website. It's really quite moderate compared to what some members of the Submitters sect have created. Joseph Islam's opinions are based on academic evaluation and intellectual honesty. I haven't found a single website on this topic better than his (and trust me, there are THOUSANDS of Islam-related sites).

Secondly, yes, my understanding does go against the general Muslim understanding of this surah. However, I don't see why that's a bad thing. As far as I can tell, this chapter mentions nothing about the Prophet Muhammad getting on a magical pegasus named Burak and riding into the sky. It does mention his journey to a separate place of prostration, but not much more. I don't doubt that Allah can make Muhammad visit the heavens if He wants to, but I don't see any Quranic evidence to support the idea that it actually happened.

Also, you say that you follow the Quran and you want to learn more about it, but instead of remaining open-minded, you're insisting that Salafi scholars must always be correct. That is quite illogical. I'm sorry to say this, but I find Salafi scholars utterly terrifying. Instead of discussing them, I will reply to the other issues you raised.

1: Ritual Salah. The way that most people pray today is consistent with the Quran. The Quran specifies a procedure of standing and prostration for prayer but nothing more. When you're in a mosque, you're supposed to pray the same way that everyone else does to avoid causing disorder. However, when you're alone, there's no reason that you can't pray in your own language, or have a different number of rakahs.

Prayer should not be derived from hadiths. Please think about what you're saying. Allah would not order people to derive their religious rulings from the work of a man named Bukhari. His work is composed of narrations stemming back two centuries. Most of it is pure hearsay. Hadiths are not satanic inventions, but they don't hold religious authority either.

You can even pray without reciting the Quran:

You can ignore all the above articles if you like, but it's not going to help you understand anything.


Continued from the last post:

The second issue you raised concerns following the opinions of the majority.

Consider this analogy. 84% of Americans are Christians who believe Jesus is the begotten son of God who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. I am American. Should I also adhere to this belief?

According to the Quran, the majority of mankind would lead you into idolatry. I can't find the specific verse right now, but I'll try to cite it later.

I hope you think about this.

Hassan A

Salaam mia666,

With regards to your question when you asked:

Quoteis there a way to modify your username?

In order to modify your username all you need to do is:

1) Login i to your account;
2) On the top left side of the page find where it says Profile;
3) Hover your mouse over it; it'll give you three drop-down options; click on the second one: Account settings
3) Then a new page will appear, then just type your (new) desired name in the name box.
4) Then click Change Profile on the bottom right-side of that exact page to save your changes.