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Offline Anjum

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Some new doubts...Kindly clear it my friends..
« on: February 26, 2016, 02:05:02 PM »
Salam All...

Hope you are fine here..m again here to trouble u guys..dont mind...:P...please..:)...

I came across this...verse..."Likewise, there came no messenger to those before them, but they said, 'He is a sorcerer or a madman'. Have they they handed this down to one another? They are certainly a people who exceed all bounds, so ignore them - you are not to blame - but keep on exhorting them, for exhortation benefits the believers..." according this verse...should we keep encouraging people..coz some many not like or some get should we do? it compulsory to exhort?...

And this verse ..."I created the jinn and mankind only so that they might worship me" this verse...are we not allowed to live our own lives? movies or go outing..and all...m an idiot to think like tat...but m jus confused...

And i know that..backbiting is prohibited...what does actually backbiting here mean?..for example..i have a colleague here...he is jus t end...i have to do all t work..but wen it comes to grades..he gets t same grade as me...whereas..he doesnt do superiors also know his absence..we..i and my other colleagues just frustrated wit my burden..whereas..he does nothing..n so and such talk considered backbiting?..m jus my colleagues...or jus letting my agony go...or sometimes..i talk about my family situations and complaint about my husband to friends..and they suggest is this also considered backbitting?

What not spy on another mean...?..will it know about our family members?..etc.

I read this article of brother joseph...    so...according to this...atheists will go to hell? usual..i fear for my father...he is a good person...honest...loving and helping..and a social worker..but an atheist...he became atheist...coz of continuous deaths in his many in India...Messages of Quran did not reach him are able to know only what religious teachers teach them...and now..its too late..m not able to make him understand Quran...:( he go to hell for this?...

what is the difference between remembrance of God and prayer?...

Is Quran order-wise?...yesterday while arguing with an idiot..he said..Islam is terrorism etc Quran it states tat..kill t non-believers n so on so and quoted a verse...which number 9: and something..i forgot..then i showed him t verse...i dont remember..but it number something 60: then he said...the verse that numbered 9: came later...whereas...number 60: came killing was ordered...n i jus said to him...its not like tat...Quran was compiled later...n the Quran should be considered 9: came first and 60: came was i right?...Forgive me God..if i was is it ok?..was i wrong?..m confused...

HOpe you guys can help...sorry and thanks...:0

With regards,

Offline Hassan A

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Re: Some new doubts...Kindly clear it my friends..
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2016, 06:00:06 PM »
Salaam Anjum,

You asked:

And this verse ..."I created the jinn and mankind only so that they might worship me" this verse...are we not allowed to live our own lives? movies or go outing..and all...

That verse you cited (51:56) I simply saying that Mankind and Jinn (and all creatures for that matter) were created to worship no-one except Allah. It is not, as you have interpreted to mean, suggesting that we (as humans) have to cease all joyful things in life - such as watching movies, going-out, playing, etc - and lock ourselves in our rooms partaking only in worshiping Allah.

As I have shared with you before, you can enjoy live while also remembering Allah. It's unfortunate that many Muslims have complicated the religion by introducing rituals/practices which find no support from the Quran; while also forbidding the good things Allah has made lawful for his servant.
Allah has created all blessings on earth solely for the purpose of mankind enjoying them and praising Him for it. This includes all things in life, such as the sweet taste of a fruit, all the wonderful fragrances we smell, the delightful clothes that we wear, or our spouses whom we enjoy, and everything else we possess and find joy in. Please ponder over the following verses which makes it clear that we should take enjoyment in this world while also remembering Allah:

"Say, 'Who has forbidden the wonderful things and good provisions that Allah has brought forth for His servants?" Say, 'They are meant for those who believe during this worldly life, and they will be exclusive for them on the Day of Resurrection.' It is such that We explain the Revelations for those who know." [Qur'an 7:32]

"But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." [Quran 28:77]

In the above verse, the words: do not forget your share of the world confirms that God wants us to enjoy all the provisions, luxuries and blessings of this life.

But Allah also warns us against being too excessively pre-occupied with the material things in life to the extent of forgetting our prime duty of worshiping God. But as long as we worship God sincerely and observe our religious obligations, then we are free to enjoy life.

You've also asked:

what is the difference between remembrance of God and prayer?...

The difference between the two is that:
1) Prayer (or Salat) is the formal ritual prayer for which both patterns and times are fixed.
2) Remembrance (or Dhikr), in contrast to salat, is voluntary and it represent the individual attempts to draw near to God in a more personal relationship.

You've also asked:

Is Quran order-wise?...yesterday while arguing with an idiot..he said..Islam is terrorism etc Quran it states tat..kill t non-believers n so on so and quoted a verse...which number 9: and something..i forgot..then i showed him t verse...i dont remember..but it number something 60: then he said...the verse that numbered 9: came later...whereas...number 60: came killing was ordered...n i jus said to him...its not like tat...Quran was compiled later...n the Quran should be considered 9: came first and 60: came was i right?...Forgive me God..if i was is it ok?..was i wrong?..m confused...

To the best of my knowledge no-one knows (and can say with certainty) the order the Qurans Surahs came in. So that individual is spewing gibberish by claiming that one verse/Surah came before the other. Upon him is the burden to prove his assertion beyond a reasonable doubt, and conjecture will not suffice.

So with respect to 9:5, the proper understanding, in my opinion, is that given by Muhammad Assad:

"Read in conjunction with the two preceding verses, as well as with 2:190-194, the above verse relates to warfare already in progress with people who have become guilty of a breach of treaty obligations and of aggression. 8 I.e., "do everything that may be necessary and advisable in warfare". The term marsad denotes "any place from which it is possible to perceive the enemy and to observe his movements". As I have pointed out on more than one occasion, every verse of the Qur'an must be read and Interpreted against the background of the Qur'an as a whole. The above verse, which speaks of a possible conversion to Islam on the part of "those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God" with whom the believers are at war, must, therefore, be considered in conjunction with several fundamental Qur'anic ordinances. One of them, "There shall be no coercion in matters of faith"(2:256), lays down categorically that any attempt at a forcible conversion of unbelievers is prohibited - which precludes the possibility of the Muslims' demanding or expecting that a defeated enemy should embrace Islam as the price of immunity. Secondly, the Qur'an ordains, "Fight in God's cause against those who wage war against you; but do not commit aggression, for, verily, God does not love aggressors" (2:190); and, "if they do not let you be, and do not offer you peace, and do not stay their hands, seize them and slay them whenever you come upon them: and it is against these that We have clearly empowered you [to make war]" (4:91). Thus, war is permissible only in self-defense (see surah 2, notes 167 and 168), with the further proviso that "if they desist - behold, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace" (2:192), and "if they desist, then all hostility shall cease" (2:193). Now the enemy's conversion to Islam - expressed in the words, "if they repent, and take to prayer [lit., "establish prayer"] and render the purifying dues (zakah)"- is no more than one, and by no means the only, way of their "desisting from hostility"; and the reference to it in verses 5 and 11 of this surah certainly does not imply an alternative of "conversion or death", as some unfriendly critics of Islam choose to assume. Verses 4 and 6 give a further elucidation of the attitude which the believers are enjoined to adopt towards such of the unbelievers as are not hostile to them.".

You also asked:

hat not spy on another mean...?..will it know about our family members

When Allah instructs us to not spy (49:12) He is, in my opinion, advising us to not seek faults in others and not expose them to others. In other words, mind your business and do not delve into the (personal) lives of others.

Hope that helps.

I will, God-willing, answer the remainder of you questions sometime tomorrow.

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Re: Some new doubts...Kindly clear it my friends..
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2016, 11:18:04 AM »
Salam, :)

You were asking about backbiting. It's bad to backbite about someone in an overly critical and unconstructive way. However, when you've been wronged or the person in question has done something wrong, you have the right to discuss it.

This is the Free-Minds translation:

4:148 God does not love that any negative sayings be publicized, except if one is wronged. God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.

As for the person who asked you about terrorism, he was probably talking about verse 9:5. This verse is talking about a way that is already ongoing. As explained in verse 9:13, the war was waged against people who had plotted against the Muslims and broken the treaties. As explained in verse 9:4, those who had kept their treaties were exempt from the war.

When you want to know about a topic in the Quran, search up every single verse you can find on that topic. Put them together and you will get a coherent picture of the Quranic standpoint. Verses in the Quran hardly ever stand alone. The book has to be taken as a whole. Please see verse 3:7 for clarification. This verse specifically reprimands those who follow ambiguous verses of the Quran without referencing the entire book.

I'm not saying that you're making the mistake of isolating verses, of course. The only person making that mistake is the one you argued with. :)

The Quran isn't necessarily order-wise. It's arranged in a way that has some significance, but all the verses are equally important.

Hope this helps :D

Offline Anjum

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Re: Some new doubts...Kindly clear it my friends..
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 01:54:58 PM »
Salam Brother Hassan...

Thank you very much for your clarifications...:) was of great help to me..thank u very much..

To the best of my knowledge no-one knows (and can say with certainty) the order the Qurans Surahs came in. So that individual is spewing gibberish by claiming that one verse/Surah came before the other. Upon him is the burden to prove his assertion beyond a reasonable doubt, and conjecture will not suffice.

but..m not sure brother...may i guess..i was wrong..coz..i said to him tat..Surah number 9 mus have come first and surah number 60 came later...i didnt know..whether i was wrong or not..:(...if i was wrong...May God forgive me...:(...

And thank you very much for your time and clarification brother..

with best regards,

Offline Anjum

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Re: Some new doubts...Kindly clear it my friends..
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2016, 02:00:51 PM »
Salam Sis Mia..

I Thank you very much again for your clarifications..:)...yup...i was wronged...:(..tats y..i cldnt hold it anymore and spoke about really frustrated me sometimes to work here...:(...but cant leave my job for such silly people...

I was jus trying to defend Quran and the guy was continuously defaming us and attacking based on those verses and some things written on was an ugly argument..i really hate such people..Hope God give knowledge to everyone...

Thank you very much dear sister...for helping me out and clarifying things to me..Thank you very much...:)

With best regards,