Started by ZKAB90, April 12, 2016, 04:50:17 AM

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I'm against to say there is a new, overwhelming, proof for the punishment in the grave. However, I found new evidences support it. From this source:

Question: Is the torment in the grave a reality?


Some evidence that establishes the occurrence of the torment in the grave is as follows:

Hadrat Imâm-i A'zam stated:

The Qur'ân al-karîm says, "They are exposed to the fire morning and evening. On the day when Doomsday comes, it will be said, "Make the dynasty of Pharaoh enter the severest torment!

The torment they will undergo morning and evening is before the Resurrection. It is declared in the following part of the âyah (Qur'anic verse) that they will be made to enter a severe torment. The former refers to the torment in the grave while the latter refers to the torment in Hell. (Al-Qawl-ul fasl)

Hadrat Imâm-i Ghazâlî stated, "This âyat-i karîma demonstrates the torment in the grave" (Ihyâ).

I think this opinion is logical. "They are exposed to the fire morning and evening" → It can't be in this world, so it must be in the next. "On the day when Doomsday comes" → So, we are talking about a punishment before the Doomsday; the only one possible is in the grave.

The 25th âyat-i karîma of Nûh Sûra purports, "Because of their sins, they were drowned and then thrown into the fire." The letter F in the word Faudkhilû that appears in the âyat-i karîma (in the original text) stresses that there is no interval or pause at all. That is, it means, "No sooner were they drowned than they were subjected to the torment of the grave" (Al-Qawl-ul fasl). WTF ? I do not read and understand Arabic, if there is Arabic speakers could they confirm it?

Also, the 169th âyat-i karîma of Âl-i 'Imrân Sûra, which purports, "Do not think of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive," indicates the life in the grave. (Al-Qawl-ul fasl)

I find this very logical. These martyrs are alive in another dimension [barzakh], and they enjoy the pleasures of the grave.

Next the author make a list of Hadiths supporting the punishment in the grave, which I skip as Hadith rejector.

Is it summary execution?

Question: Some people say, "There is no torment before the Resurrection. It would be summary execution to subject a person to torment in the grave before sins and rewards are determined and before offences are brought to light. It is like smiting a person in the police station before he or she appears in court. This, in turn, is incompatible with Divine justice." Is the torment in the grave not true?


To utter such remarks means having no knowledge of the religion whatsoever, for Allahu ta'âlâ certainly knows who committed what offence and who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell. In fact, He had known these even before humans were born. The Angels of Haphaza are determining the good and evil deeds of humans. Who committed what sins are known, so there is no summary execution in the grave. People are exposed to torment as a retribution for their sins. The sins of a Believer who suffers the torment in the grave will decrease, and he or she may go to the Place of Reckoning without any sins.

The Mu'tazila sect, who accepted the mind as a gauge, denied the life and the torment in the grave. Ahl as-Sunnat scholars, on the other hand, substantiated the authenticity of the torment in the grave with evidence.


More proofs:

"And if you could but see when the angels take the souls of those who disbelieved... They are striking their faces and their backs and [saying], "Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire"

And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah or says, "It has been inspired to me," while nothing has been inspired to him, and one who says, "I will reveal [something] like what Allah revealed." And if you could but see when the wrongdoers are in the overwhelming pangs of death while the angels extend their hands, [saying], "Discharge your souls! Today you will be awarded the punishment of [extreme] humiliation for what you used to say against Allah other than the truth and [that] you were, toward His verses, being arrogant."

"Then [if you had], We would have made you taste double [punishment in] life and double [after] death. Then you would not find for yourself against Us a helper"

"And indeed, for those who have wronged is a punishment before that, but most of them do not know" means before the Judgement Day

Hassan A

Salam ZKAB90,

I am not sure if you are aware, but brother Joseph Islam's has written an article pertaining to this issue which address (and refutes) every point you ( or that author) made in your previous post. Here the article which I am referring to:

Please also consider the relevant questions Brother Joseph asks at the end of the article.


good logic

Peace ZKAAB90.

Qoran does not support punishment of the grave.

Let me sum up for you what GOD is saying in Qoran:

GOD created us for this test. He also created death to return us to Him.Death is temporary prior to resurrection.
GOD explains in Qoran that death is like sleep, complete with dreams and nightmares. When you are asleep you are not aware of anything except if you dream. then you remember some of what you dream when you wake up. Some do not wake up if their predetermined time is over.
Now, when GOD is talking about Pharaoh and those who died with him in the verse that mentions"Hell will be shown to them day and night", it just means while Pharaoh and those who perished with him are asleep( dead)-- By the way at death everyone knows their destiny--They are having this nightmare /dream. When they wake up for judgement (resurrection) the matter will be settled .

Hope that explains the "fairy tale" for you.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Quote from: Hassan A on April 12, 2016, 06:45:03 AM
Salam ZKAB90,

I am not sure if you are aware, but brother Joseph Islam's has written an article pertaining to this issue which address (and refutes) every point you ( or that author) made in your previous post. Here the article which I am referring to:

Please also consider the relevant questions Brother Joseph asks at the end of the article.


As-salam aleikum Hassan A;

Yes, I'm aware of the article done by brother Joseph.

But disappoint you, he hasn't debunked the article which I copied from a Muslim site [and which I added some personal opinions].

He write:



And? No one know the measure of time of the grave, because the barzakh is in another dimension, with different physical laws. So, the time we will spend in the barzakh is different from this worldy time.

Joseph Islam write:

"If there was such an unjust concept of grave punishment, how could one reconcile the period of the Azaab (punishment) of someone who died as a disbeliever 5000 years ago and one that dies 2 minutes before the Day of Resurrection? It seems awfully unjust that someone who dies 5000 years ago should receive a greater period of punishment in the grave than someone who died moments before the Day of Resurrection and who may actually be a greater sinner. In parallel, it seems equally unfair to the individual born 5000 years ago that due to his period of birth, his punishment would be prolonged"

But as I posted in the above article, "Allahu ta'âlâ certainly knows who committed what offence and who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell. In fact, He had known these even before humans were born. The Angels of Haphaza are determining the good and evil deeds of humans. Who committed what sins are known, so there is no summary execution in the grave"


Quote from: good logic on April 12, 2016, 01:00:42 PM
Peace ZKAAB90.

Qoran does not support punishment of the grave.

Let me sum up for you what GOD is saying in Qoran:

GOD created us for this test. He also created death to return us to Him.Death is temporary prior to resurrection.
GOD explains in Qoran that death is like sleep, complete with dreams and nightmares. When you are asleep you are not aware of anything except if you dream. then you remember some of what you dream when you wake up. Some do not wake up if their predetermined time is over.
Now, when GOD is talking about Pharaoh and those who died with him in the verse that mentions"Hell will be shown to them day and night", it just means while Pharaoh and those who perished with him are asleep( dead)-- By the way at death everyone knows their destiny--They are having this nightmare /dream. When they wake up for judgement (resurrection) the matter will be settled .

Hope that explains the "fairy tale" for you.

GOD bless you.

As-salam aleikum good logic;

You said: "it just means while Pharaoh and those who perished with him are asleep (dead)''.

But the others verses I posted show there is not only a demonstration in the grave of the punishment that will take place in the Judgement Day, but also a real one in the grave !


Peace to all

I would like to ask some questions here.

  • If there are three world (1 - This world, 2 - Barzakh, 3 - Hereafter) and not only two (1 - This world, 2 - Hereafter), then why the Quran constantly repeating "This World" (Dunya) and "The Hereafter" (A'khera)?
  • Where in the Quran it says that the barrier (Barzakh) is a world with a different dimension?


Quote from: ZKAB90 on April 13, 2016, 04:50:01 AM

Yes, I'm aware of the article done by brother Joseph.

But disappoint you, he hasn't debunked the article which I copied from a Muslim site [and which I added some personal opinions].

Shalom / peace far as I can tell. Joseph's article wasn't written to debunk a particular article / your opinion.....
It was too provide Quranic guidance and challenge popular sectarian thinking. ......


Quote from: A.H.A on April 13, 2016, 06:10:47 AM
Peace to all

I would like to ask some questions here.

  • If there are three world (1 - This world, 2 - Barzakh, 3 - Hereafter) and not only two (1 - This world, 2 - Hereafter), then why the Quran constantly repeating "This World" (Dunya) and "The Hereafter" (A'khera)?
  • Where in the Quran it says that the barrier (Barzakh) is a world with a different dimension?

Shalom / peace.......

Excellent questions and points!!!!!! ....

Hassan A

Salam ZKAB90,

QuoteBut disappoint you, he hasn't debunked the article which I copied from a Muslim site [and which I added some personal opinions].

Joseph Islam's article does address some of points raised in your answer as well as the article you've shared.

For example, one of the "proof" (or Quranic verse) you (or the author of the article you've shared) give in support of your position is as follows:

Quote"They are exposed to the fire morning and evening. On the day when Doomsday comes, it will be said, "Make the dynasty of Pharaoh enter the severest torment!"

Yet, as Jospeh Islam mentioned in his article:

QuoteRegrettably, without reconciling the Quranic narratives in full and due to beliefs stemming from popular traditions, one often finds use being made of isolated Quranic verses to authenticate doctrines not taught by the Quran.

With regards the example of Pharaoh, the following verse is often cited to justify the concept of 'punishment in the grave'.

"In front of the Fire will they be brought, morning and evening: and (the sentence will be) on the Day that Judgment will be established: "Cast ye the People of Pharaoh into the severest Penalty"

If read in context, it becomes absolutely clear that this is a reference to the Day of Judgment.

"And when they shall contend one with another in the fire, then the weak shall say to those who were proud: Surely we were your followers; will you then avert from us a portion of the fire?"

For this reason given the context, it is difficult to accept 40:46 as a reference to a 'punishment in the grave'. Mutual disputes between the people of Pharaoh in the fire clearly indicate a state of communal punishment and not a punishment in separate graves.

The very next verse provides further clarity:

"Those who were proud shall say: Surely we are all in it: surely God has judged between the servants"

This judgment can only be one made on the Day of Judgment.

With respect to the following comment which you've made in response to a question raised in Joseph Islam's article:

Quote"If there was such an unjust concept of grave punishment, how could one reconcile the period of the Azaab (punishment) of someone who died as a disbeliever 5000 years ago and one that dies 2 minutes before the Day of Resurrection? It seems awfully unjust that someone who dies 5000 years ago should receive a greater period of punishment in the grave than someone who died moments before the Day of Resurrection and who may actually be a greater sinner. In parallel, it seems equally unfair to the individual born 5000 years ago that due to his period of birth, his punishment would be prolonged"

But as I posted in the above article, "Allahu ta'âlâ certainly knows who committed what offence and who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell. In fact, He had known these even before humans were born.

That still doesn't address the question, though. That question being:

Quotehow could one reconcile the period of the Azaab (punishment) of someone who died as a disbeliever 5000 years ago and one that dies 2 minutes before the Day of Resurrection? It seems awfully unjust that someone who dies 5000 years ago should receive a greater period of punishment in the grave than someone who died moments before the Day of Resurrection and who may actually be a greater sinner.

How can one be punished without, first, having received a fair trial before his Lord? If Allah will punish the sinner in his grave without first having given him his fair trial, then of what point is there in having a trial on Judgment day?

good logic


You say ,quote:
But the others verses I posted show there is not only a demonstration in the grave of the punishment that will take place in the Judgement Day, but also a real one in the grave !

I see no punishment in the grave in all the verses you quoted. I see lack of proper understanding of the context.

The Angel of death comes to take your soul. You are on your last breaths( i.e still alive).
According to Qoran the life and death of the believers are not the same as the disbelievers. For example the Angel of death snatches the soul of the disbeliever but invites the soul of the believers to come out.

Also at the point of death, every soul will know its destiny. However the judgement will be  at the resurrection. Hence no punishment until then.

GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Quote from: A.H.A on April 13, 2016, 06:10:47 AM
Peace to all

I would like to ask some questions here.

  • If there are three world (1 - This world, 2 - Barzakh, 3 - Hereafter) and not only two (1 - This world, 2 - Hereafter), then why the Quran constantly repeating "This World" (Dunya) and "The Hereafter" (A'khera)?
  • Where in the Quran it says that the barrier (Barzakh) is a world with a different dimension?

As-salaam aleikum;

As far I know in the Qur'an is not specifically cited that Barzakh is a " world with a different dimension". However, we could intuit it because the punishment that will occurr after the death and before the Judgment Day wouldn't take place in this world.

Maybe the barzakh is a parallel dimension of this world.


Quote from: Hassan A on April 13, 2016, 03:16:53 PM
Salam ZKAB90,

QuoteBut disappoint you, he hasn't debunked the article which I copied from a Muslim site [and which I added some personal opinions].

Joseph Islam's article does address some of points raised in your answer as well as the article you've shared.

For example, one of the "proof" (or Quranic verse) you (or the author of the article you've shared) give in support of your position is as follows:

Quote"They are exposed to the fire morning and evening. On the day when Doomsday comes, it will be said, "Make the dynasty of Pharaoh enter the severest torment!"

Yet, as Jospeh Islam mentioned in his article:

QuoteRegrettably, without reconciling the Quranic narratives in full and due to beliefs stemming from popular traditions, one often finds use being made of isolated Quranic verses to authenticate doctrines not taught by the Quran.

With regards the example of Pharaoh, the following verse is often cited to justify the concept of 'punishment in the grave'.

"In front of the Fire will they be brought, morning and evening: and (the sentence will be) on the Day that Judgment will be established: "Cast ye the People of Pharaoh into the severest Penalty"

If read in context, it becomes absolutely clear that this is a reference to the Day of Judgment.

"And when they shall contend one with another in the fire, then the weak shall say to those who were proud: Surely we were your followers; will you then avert from us a portion of the fire?"

For this reason given the context, it is difficult to accept 40:46 as a reference to a 'punishment in the grave'. Mutual disputes between the people of Pharaoh in the fire clearly indicate a state of communal punishment and not a punishment in separate graves.

The very next verse provides further clarity:

"Those who were proud shall say: Surely we are all in it: surely God has judged between the servants"

This judgment can only be one made on the Day of Judgment.

With respect to the following comment which you've made in response to a question raised in Joseph Islam's article:

Quote"If there was such an unjust concept of grave punishment, how could one reconcile the period of the Azaab (punishment) of someone who died as a disbeliever 5000 years ago and one that dies 2 minutes before the Day of Resurrection? It seems awfully unjust that someone who dies 5000 years ago should receive a greater period of punishment in the grave than someone who died moments before the Day of Resurrection and who may actually be a greater sinner. In parallel, it seems equally unfair to the individual born 5000 years ago that due to his period of birth, his punishment would be prolonged"

But as I posted in the above article, "Allahu ta'âlâ certainly knows who committed what offence and who will go to Paradise and who will go to Hell. In fact, He had known these even before humans were born.

That still doesn't address the question, though. That question being:

Quotehow could one reconcile the period of the Azaab (punishment) of someone who died as a disbeliever 5000 years ago and one that dies 2 minutes before the Day of Resurrection? It seems awfully unjust that someone who dies 5000 years ago should receive a greater period of punishment in the grave than someone who died moments before the Day of Resurrection and who may actually be a greater sinner.

How can one be punished without, first, having received a fair trial before his Lord? 

If Allah will punish the sinner in his grave without first having given him his fair trial, then of what point is there in having a trial on Judgment day?

The punishment that will occurr in the barzakh will affect only the soul, not the body. So, probably the punishment will be only a nightmare, and this is in line whith the soul affected by punishment.

I think this terror is a fair trial, because in this world you are free to choose the belief and the actions that resulting from.


Quote from: good logic on April 13, 2016, 06:35:33 PM

You say ,quote:
But the others verses I posted show there is not only a demonstration in the grave of the punishment that will take place in the Judgement Day, but also a real one in the grave !

I see no punishment in the grave in all the verses you quoted. I see lack of proper understanding of the context.

The Angel of death comes to take your soul. You are on your last breaths( i.e still alive).
According to Qoran the life and death of the believers are not the same as the disbelievers. For example the Angel of death snatches the soul of the disbeliever but invites the soul of the believers to come out.

Also at the point of death, every soul will know its destiny. However the judgement will be  at the resurrection. Hence no punishment until then.

GOD bless you.

As-salaam aleikum;

I think I have posted many verses that suggest a punishment in the barzakh.

You can ignore them or suggest my lack of understanding of the context. But the proofs still be there.

Hassan A

Salam ZKAB90,

You said:

QuoteThe punishment that will occurr in the barzakh will affect only the soul, not the body. So, probably the punishment will be only a nightmare, and this is in line whith the soul affected by punishment.

Firstly, can I ask you to cite which verse/s you base that view/belief on?
Secondly, if, as you've said, it is only the soul and not the body which will receive punishment in barzakh, then do you also believe that Allah is referring to the souls and not the bodies of the martyrs when He says of them that they are not dead, but rather alive?:

Do not think of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive...[Quran 3:169]

And thirdly, even if it is the soul/s and not the body which is to recieve punishment during barzakh that still doen't explain how:
1) One can be punished without, first, having received a fair trial before his Lord? 
2) If Allah will punish the sinners in their graves without first having given them a fair trial, then of what point is there in having a trial on Judgment day?


Aleikum salam Hassan

Quote from: Hassan A on April 13, 2016, 11:48:07 PM
Secondly, if, as you've said, it is only the soul and not the body which will receive punishment in barzakh, then do you also believe that Allah is referring to the souls and not the bodies of the martyrs when He says of them that they are not dead, but rather alive?:

Do not think of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive...[Quran 3:169]

The soul is alive [read: conscious] that after the Judgment Day they will be amongst the winners, that is, they will enter into Paradise.

Quote from: Hassan A on April 13, 2016, 11:48:07 PM
And thirdly, even if it is the soul/s and not the body which is to recieve punishment during barzakh that still doen't explain how:
1) One can be punished without, first, having received a fair trial before his Lord? 
2) If Allah will punish the sinners in their graves without first having given them a fair trial, then of what point is there in having a trial on Judgment day?

I think the punishment in the Barzakh is merely due to the evil acts, that is, the disobedience; and the Hell is the punishment due to the disbelief.

As a disbeliever who is unable to recognize the existence of the Angels and the miracles of the Prophets, I will send into Hell. This is the alleged "rahma" of Allah.

So no doubts, the "rahma" is only reserved to the believers. The fair trial is only make in the Judgement Day to humiliate you ahead the others, while your sentence is been choose before you're born.