Food permissibility / halal and haram

Started by Be Kind, May 18, 2016, 03:27:32 PM

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Be Kind

Peace be upon all truth seekers and believers!
Hope you're all fine and happy!
So I asked and posted the following questions but have not received any response and I decided to post it here. Any response will be appreciated. Tnx.
Peace be upon you brother!
And again Jazzak'Allah khair for your jihad in the way of God and taking the job of a messenger(العلماء ورثة الأنبياء)
Dear Brother. Can you have a look at my first question about first and last verses revealed to prophet Muhammad(PBUH), (if you have time)? :

But if you don't, then, this is an Important question: I've read your article food permissibility and prohibition.
And countered some responses from others who were not really convinced by this argument.
They say where in the Quran it says that it is Haram (clearly)? Or it's Najis(unclean/forbidden/unhealthy/Khabees)?
I am seeking answers from our one and only lawgiver, our lord through his وحى - the Quran. Cause Hanafis(the school of thought that I inherited from my family) differ from other Sunni schools and Shias regarding this matter and they will go as far as making things haram by just one unclear report. For example saying horses are Makroh. Wild donkeys are halal ,,,,,,,, 
If we ask what is halal, the Quran answers(الطيبات، بهيمة الانعام، صيد البر و الصيد البحر،Etc)
If we ask what's haram, the Quran answers(الخبائث، flesh of swine, الدم المسفوح Etc)
Now there's no mention of other animals, then, it means the Quran is silent about them.
Which means specially in many articles of yours that it's A BLESSING.
So in this case I think it's neither halal, nor haram. But something in between. Even when there comes the mention of eating dead human flesh God says (فكرهتموه), (so we have something in between like Makrooh after all) and didn't say it's haram. And everybody hates(كره) eating dead human body. Dear brother. If i am not mistaken you said eating dead human body is haram based on the verse that you said was talking about only livestock. So why did you do that, specially when you says that it's only talking about Bahimat Al Anaam ? We know it's haram killing of innocent human beings. But eating flesh of dead human is (كره- مكروه) and not haram - not halal. It's abomination- men abhors it by nature.

Some points:
1-Quran didn't say that it's a transgression eating any other animal that's not mentioned(Did not say: فمن ابتغى وراء ذلك فأولئك هم العادون)
2- Do you think that intimacy(between husband and wife) in fasting nights was forbidden? I don't think so, but I think it was makroh - people weren't sure, just like eating other animals, therefore God made it halal(احل لكم ليلة الصيام الرفث الى نسائكم). And in the day, God didn't say anything, now, we can conclude that it's Makrooh in they day -or maybe kind of transgression / haram, cause it's a kind of breaking the fast by other means(specially sexual intercourse)?? But about simple things like kissing in the forehead is fine. That's why Quran is silent about the day! Means sexual intercourse is forbidden but (الرفث) is not just that!!! What's رفث exactly?  Please clarify this thanks!!

And also about بهيمة الانعام they weren't sure / they didn't had full knowledge so God made it Halal(احلت لكم بهيمة الانعام).
And other animals God is silent.
Dear Brother. What can be worse than insects(I mean for people as food)??
If the Quran is silent about that why not say the same thing about other animals?
Important questions:
1-What about kangaroo, elephant and other herbivores like deers,,,, are they also from بهيمة الانعام and also rabbit ??
2-Is rabbit halal(according to Quran)?
3-does بهيمة means dumb? Then with Cattle, it's called dumb cattle, like sheep and goats and cows that dependent on us and are easy prey for other animals and without us they couldn't survive, meant / designed for us??
4-if we say ONLY (بهيمة الانعام) Then, according to Quran is it haram wearing a coat that's made from other animal skins (and not from الانعام)?? 
5-what is صيد البر definitely not from livestock, cause one can't hunt them, they belong to other people.

Dear kind Brother.
You're more aware from me that we can't declare something haram/halal
Unless first God makes it haram/halal.
Don't we have something like they have, something like Makrooh?? Or it must be haram and halal and nothing else?
I initially think that God's silent in this matter is also a blessing.
Some cultures they even eat snakes, so if we don't have a cogent argument from God,,, why tell them that this is haram and make things difficult for them ?
I think it's between haram and halal.
Even tho the Quran says that horses are for travel, IT DIDNT SAY THAT YOU CAN'T EAT THEM. And some others have Ahadith saying because of jihad it's Makroh(and not haram eating it). This is very confusing matter!
I think we shouldn't be talking about this,,, and say that the Quran says these are haram and others Quran is silent, like you mentioned that the Quran is silent about insects.
Further questions: some ask what about wild beasts like buffalo and Ox or wild goats and deer are they grazing livestock??
I answered yes
Cause بهيمة includes these animals
Is this correct ?
Subhan'Allah! I did some research and boom!! Shia's saying rabbit is haram cause it's from mouse family and sunni people saying its halal. Isn't this a mess??? Specially when God ordered us not to declare things by your tongue saying this is halal and that's haram. Confused a little bit - don't know what to do. But I hope that my lord guide me to the truth. Also, what do you say about the verse(و على الذين هادى حرمنا كل ذى ظفر)
And then the other verse saying(حرمنا عليهم الطيبات احلت لهم)
So what's ذي ظفر ؟؟
I searched sources from Sunnis, theyhave different opinions from the Ahadith one saying every predators the other saying donkey and others saying its from Anaam ...

Some saying mouse is from the family of (حشرات الارض)
And you said Quran is silent in this matter.
I understand this.
I know that I should do all things(research) by myself and with the help of my lord I hope that I find my way. But asking you is I think the right way to start with !!
Our lord explains things best and he has the best answers: (25:33) whenever they put any strange question to you, We sent its right answer and explained the matter in the best manner."

Be Kind

Our lord explains things best and he has the best answers: (25:33) whenever they put any strange question to you, We sent its right answer and explained the matter in the best manner."

Joseph Islam

Dear Be Kind

As-salamu alaykum

Firstly, please may I kindly request that you keep your questions succinct and direct please. Respectfully, I have found it somewhat arduous to filter your actual questions from your general commentary. Secondly, can I also kindly request that you do not appear to badger forum readers for a response. Brothers and sisters on this forum attempt to work very hard in their spare time to assist other members but repeated questions, questions that have already been answered or covered in articles or other threads etc are not likely to invite a response, particularly quickly. We are all trying to help each other given our daily commitments, therefore we must not appear to 'demand' from others.

There has already been numerous discussions on this topic and from I can respectfully discern from your post, my humble views have already been exhausted on this topic. With respect, it also appears to me that you haven't digested the full ambit of the discourses or at least, some of the arguments have not been acknowledged. For example, you share:

"So in this case I think it's neither halal, nor haram. But something in between. Even when there comes the mention of eating dead human flesh God says (فكرهتموه), (so we have something in between like Makrooh after all) and didn't say it's haram. And everybody hates(كره) eating dead human body. Dear brother. If i am not mistaken you said eating dead human body is haram based on the verse that you said was talking about only livestock. So why did you do that, specially when you says that it's only talking about Bahimat Al Anaam ? We know it's haram killing of innocent human beings. But eating flesh of dead human is (كره- مكروه) and not haram - not halal. It's abomination- men abhors it by nature. "

However, in my article, I clearly cited the reasons why human flesh is to be interpreted as being forbidden. If human life is not to be taken unless for just cause, then how can it be taken for food? All verses of the Quran must be reconciled sensibly.

As I shared:


Human life is sacred. Humans are not to take the life of another human being without just cause (capital punishment for murder and for spreading corruption in the land). Please see verse 5:32, 4:29, 4:92-93 and 6:151. Therefore, killing another human being for food remains prohibited. One could argue that it is permissible to consume human flesh after death has occurred naturally. However this is negated by verse 5:3 in which carrion (dead meat) is also prohibited.

There is an exception given in accentuating circumstances where dead meat can be eaten but such a situation would be extremely rare. However, there have been cases where stranded people have kept themselves alive long enough (only eating as much as they need) from the dead bodies of other humans. This is an extreme situation and as verse 5:3 stipulates: "Anyone who is compelled by hunger, not by will to eat what is forbidden, not intending to commit sin, will find God Merciful and Forgiving".

I have already made my humble position clear in the following articles with what I respectfully feel are clear citations from the Quran. There are also protracted debates on other threads on this forum regarding this topic which I have already participated in and exhausted. [2]

Therefore, please kindly accept my response as the last on this matter.  :)



[2] Critique - DOES THE QURAN ALLOW ... DOGS, CATS, RATS ETC? by Arman Aziz
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Be Kind

Wa Alaikumu Assalam Wa Rahmatullah brother Joseph!

Please accept my apologies for demanding answers from respected readers in this forum!
Brother Joseph. May God reward you good with the efforts you make to spread the messages of God.
I know exactly how hard it's to respond and discuss things you have already discussed enough! I thank you for your kind respone! Tnx for your precious time you took to answer my questions and concerns. And again I apologies from you too if I bothered you for no sensible reason.

As for your reply. I think I didn't made it clear, that's why your response seem obvious and in the same time not what was trying to say.

I was saying: 1- God says about dead human flesh(فكرهتموه - you would abhorred it- so we have makroh), 2-you were saying dead human flesh is forbidden, I said from where you got that, because you were saying the verse was talking about dead cattle flesh is forbidden(means only dead انعام is forbidden). If you say that the dead flesh is from all creatures, then why not say the same and declare that the verse is talking about all creatures not only انعام.
May God forgive me if I am missing something!
Our lord explains things best and he has the best answers: (25:33) whenever they put any strange question to you, We sent its right answer and explained the matter in the best manner."