Does horoscope really exist?...please help guys

Started by Anjum, May 26, 2016, 05:02:02 PM

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Salam All...Hope you are all fine...

Can you guys help me out this time too please?....m soo sorry for silly questions...i wanted to ask horoscope real?..can really people predict future?...actually a astrologer predicted maternal uncle wont get married..until my grandpa is alive...even uncle's marriage was fixed and about to grandpa died just 15 days before his wedding..:(..ultimately...the astrologer was right..another incident is of our family friend had some prob in his star i people follow in india..among hindus..he was advised to marry the girl who had the same star...else..he will lose life or someting like tat i guess..but he loved a gal..and married her...when she was not the same star as him...n within few years...he died..:(..i jus fear...tat..whether these things are true? my dad was born...his neighbor was a astrologer i he wrote my dad' people were not much aware at tat time..he wrote it out of affection or something...and he wrote tat..he will be alive till he is aged 60..n my dad is turning 60 next month...:(...m jus fearing that...wat if it comes true?..wat if something happens to my dad :(...i know...we should believe in God...and trust him totally...i just fear..because of these two incidents...can you guys please help...

With best regards,


assalamu alaikum bro

I don't think they can tell you about your future. There are lots of possibilities as to how they predict your current life or your past but when it comes to future, they can't.

"Then, when We decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating Penalty (of their Task)."  (34:14)

"Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me." Say: "can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not? (6:50)

"Say, "I am not something original among the messengers, nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner."" (46:9)

"Say, "I hold not for myself [the power of] benefit or harm, except what Allah has willed. And if I knew the unseen, I could have acquired much wealth, and no harm would have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bringer of good tidings to a people who believe." (7:188)



Salam Ajnum/Ilker,

I agree with Ilker, Just to add a bit - I believe, Horoscopes are taken from astrology which in turn takes its information of the stars and constellation from astronomy. Many of the names of constellations etc are the same. This has crept into the gregorian calendar as well. The star signs in the calendar represents the months in which the constellations are governing the sky above. A libra like me, was born in the time where the constellation of Libra was above us.

Allah states in the Quran that there are signs in the stars and constellations that we may guide ourselves. and that He has detailed the signs for people that know. Surah 6 verse 97. To put it simply, we use the stars and constellations to navigate ourselves through the land and seas as well as to count days, months and years.

There are of course many other verses that talk about the stars and heavens. But non are meant for us to predict our own personal future.

Of course, the case of astronomy is we can predict movements of planets, stars and constellations or maybe even an asteroid impact. But non of it should be used to predict one's own future.

There may well be more to constelllations and stars that we do not fully understand because we lack the information.

But Horoscopes are just to make you stray from the real purpose and truth of what God has created.

Allahualam. We are only God's creatures with the capacity to understand what we are able to perceive.


Salam Ilker,

Thank you very much for your answer...:)...Even I came through these verses last week...but still m not able to two predictions were true?..and how it happened...m really confused..:(..Thanks..



Salam Adam,

THank you very much for your reply...:)..ya...i guess...they write something on the basis of stars or something like that...i m not much aware of it...i m not able to understand...does that mean that...people will be able to know the future just by following or reading stars? have stated should not use it...but..can they be really used?...m not able to figure it out..can you please clear it..

Thanks and regards,


Salam Ajnum,

I do not  have the knowledge to elaborate further on things uncertain or unseen. I think, the horoscope to my best understanding is just derived from knowledge of the heavens and in a way is misused and misinterpreted by evil doers to mislead the gullible.

The fact that it is used to supposedly predict or tell you future events should be enough for you to avoid believing in.
As far as our current understanding goes, it is used as a measure of time, direction. Maybe there are other useful benefits from the knowledge of stars and constellations but in this day and age nothing else is known.

Allow me to sidetrack.
Ultimately, everything created has a fundamental law it is bind to. It cannot skew from this law unless it has free will. We humans think that there is only one law. In the Quran, There are Laws that are told for us to follow in order to achieve what we humans are intended to achieve. But For other creations, There are laws for each. The beauty in this is that we humans can choose to follow or not these laws. Other creations do not. Therefor other creations are submitting to us allowing us to exist within the bounds of creation and its laws. An example would be how nature on earth allows for our existence but without it we will not be able to survive. Or on a bigger scale, Scientific laws that bind the whole universe allowing for us to exist as well. Every particle, and unseen forces are constantly at work to make all this possible. Ultimately by the Will and Brilliance of Allah.

I believe this is the knowledge Allah was talking about when He was telling Adam of all the names of things.
symbolically, it is Allah's knowledge of how things work and we may have been passed down this knowledge as well. We may also be discovering it by hardwork in studies and struggle for knowledge. Allah gives knowledge to who He wills. This Knowledge should be used the best way possible by us.

This is only what i think. My perspective of things. Other people may have different perspectives.


salam guys,

These astrologers don't know the future they just do predictions about you in a cunning way. They can have some knowledge about you, not about your future, but your present status or past experiences somehow.

For example if someone had a 90 year old grandpa/grandma and a 13 year old brother, they would make a guess and say, "this young man will not be married unless your grandpa is dead."

If you knew a person with a fatal disease, with a little knowledge of his/her condition, just like a doctor you could say "he/she will die in 5 years!" That's not a big thing. All you can do is guess, make up scenarios !

If you saw cumulonimbus clouds all over the sky you can pretty much predict what's gonna happen :D

What these fortune tellers do can easily affect people psychologically. It was 2 or 3 years ago, in summer time my mom and two aunts came to visit me for a one-week holiday. While we were walking and shopping in a touristic place, a fortune teller approached us, took my older aunt's hand, turned it over and began to examine her palm. Then she said that a woman in my uncle's office was too jealous of their marriage ! My aunt got really suspicious after that, she was annoyed out of nothing! For two days she thought about their marriage, didn't enjoy her holiday at all. I'm saying... Out of absolutely nothing, she got stressed out and spent her holiday with doubts ! Just because of that fortune teller lady.

This can ruin marriages, destroy lives and make you sick. Because it directly affects your mood, your brain. I can understand why it is haraam!

So seek refuge in Allah from the accursed shaitan. Trust in Allah. May He protect us all from all kinds of evil.



Salam Adam,

Thank you very much for your logical answer...:)...yup...they can tell us about our they might know...from people around us..but regarding future...its impossible..i cam across...such verses as..only God knows the future and unseen...:)..i believe...I came across these that..i should not have any doubts...:)...Thank you God for guiding..:)...ya..only Humans are given freedom to choose...and we have really ruined everything...:(..i hope we can restrain from the satanic whispers...:)...Thank you very much again for the answer and help...:)...May God bless u...



Salam Ilker...

Thank you for your reply yaar..:)...really...its soo true...whatever u said...they just predit anything...and we just keep wondering and worrying about such stuff and forget to live our life or move on...and be happy..same happened with me...ya destroys lives and makes people mental...Thank you very much for saying the truths...:)...I hope we can all beat Shaitan...:)...May God bless u...:)...
