(108:2:3) wa-in'ḥar, (31:17:6) wa-in'ha

Started by Abdurrahman, June 18, 2016, 08:32:53 PM

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Esselamu Aleykum brother Josef and all brothers sisters
Unfortunately I'm not speaking Arabic ,so I like to ask you if those words are same?
Or Different meanings like already written?!
(108:2:3) wa-in'ḥar, (31:17:6) wa-in'ha

let us remain humble. May God bless those working tirelessly in the service of faith, elevate their status, rectify their faults, and benefit others through them. Especially Ramadan days



The "wa", or "و" that you see just means "and", so it's the word "inha", and the word "inhar". "inha", is from the letters "ن ه ي", which have to do with "to forbid". As it's used in 31:17, it is a command verb, directed to a man, and it has a "wa", so it means "and you forbid". "inhar", is from the letters "ن ح ر", which have to do with "to cut", as in 'he cut her throat', this word, as it's used in 108:2, is also a command verb, directed to a man, and has a "wa", so it means "and you cut".

Might our Lord be pleased with us.


The word you've transliterated as 'inhar' might mean "you slaughter" also.