Dear brother,
As-salamu alaykum
I will address your question in two parts.
Firstly, there is no mention of
'those who can afford the journey' in verse 3:97. The Quran merely uses the word
'istataat' which simply means
to be able, can or to be capable of. This is
not always a financial ability. For example, one may not be able to fulfil a duty because the authorities have forbidden travel, the place is inaccessible, has become unknown over a period of time or a multitude of other reasons including personal wellbeing.
This leads me to the other part. There are a number of instructions in the Quran which one may find difficult / unable to fulfil
today because of geography, accessibility or knowledge of location.
For example, the Quran instructs travel to places where communities of old were destroyed, particularly those mentioned in the Quran.
"Say, travel in the land and see what has been the end of the guilty" (27.69)
This is a clear instruction.Saleh's community were one such community. However, can pilgrims travel to Madain Saleh in Saudi Arabia with ease? See article
[1] below. Do we know for certain the location of the destroyed communities of 36:29 in Surah Yasin albeit one could posit that it is the locales in around Pompeii
[2]? But are we certain?
The Quran speaks about the destruction of Prophet Lots' community and the People of the Woods. These sites are even mentioned as known to the Arabs when the Quran was being revealed as a location they were familiar with. Please see verse 15:79. However, whereas the sites of Bab edh Dhra could be argued as that of the destroyed city of Lot
[3], are we certain? Are we certain of the location of the People of the Woods (15:78)?
Then what of the instruction by God to visit these places to ponder? Please kindly note, this is an instruction (27:69).
Similarly, are we completely sure of the location of the original house of Prophet Abraham at Bakkah? It is quite possible that this was known at the time of the Prophetic revelation of the Quran and the general location could be argued as in the thread
[4] below, but our obligation is only limited to what we know
today with some degree of certainty and are able to accomplish.
In the end, in God’s wisdom, He has given believers their own Qibla and a Holy Sanctuary where pilgrim rites can be observed. Abrahamic rites as you have kindly noted, have been re-instituted here.
Finally, I do believe that every believer should make it a sincere endeavour to visit the Holy Lands and particularly the sites of note. The Quran refers to the blessed lands a number of times in the Quran and the first direction of the believer's prayers were also arguably, to this direction
[5]. as were most likely, the pilgrim rites of old.
I hope this helps, God willing
See section: ITALY - POMPEII (LEFT)
[3] Ibid.,See section: JORDAN - BAB EDH-DHRA - Possible site where the People of Lot (pbuh) were destroyed
[4] Clarifications Sought on the Makkah and Bakkah Article[5] THE QIBLA CHANGE