HI Student,
Going to your last question first of where to buy, is your prefered language English / Arabic, other or both. If Arabic, this is the best translation for download (although it is not the whole Bible which is generally 39 "Surahs" in the Old Testament and 27 in the New= 66). The link is:
www.secretsofthegospel.comThe articles will explain a lot. If you want to buy a hard copy, you can order it from:
http://www.arabicbookshop.net/main/details.asp?id=177-80Re your questions Torah, Zabur, Injil.... I believe Quran studies is a work in process, trying to disentangle ourselves from assumptions. Torah Zabur Injil, literally means:
a) Taurat (The first 5 Books of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament)
b) Zabur = Pslams: (The largest book of worship by Nabi Daud in the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament
c) Injil = Gospel (The message Nabi Isa brought, recorded in the New Testament)
So with that if we take 2 verses from the Qur'an as follows:
Say: “O people of the Book, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Torah and the Gospel (Injil) and what was sent down to you from your Lord.”
If you are in doubt regarding what We have sent down to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before you.
From what I understand, "The Book" is the Bible (as explained above), and the Bible language in Arabia at the time was Syriac. This is why the Quran speaks of "Now we have a Book we can understand" (54:17 / see article:
The Torah, Zabur, Injil are generic terms used by the Qur'an that refer to the contents that is to be followed in the Book.
Hope this makes things clearer.