
Started by wanderer, August 07, 2016, 07:34:13 AM

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By procreation I did not mean to say we will have sons or daughters, but I admit it was a poor choice of words on my part. Because of ur young age I did not want to make use of some words, but basically by marriage and procreation in heaven I was trying to paint a picture using similitude, I wanted to convey that we do not know whether the companionship will be of a sexual nature or not. Truth be told we do not know anything about the nature of the companionship u mention. Anything can happen! It is God who will decide.

I hope u will understand my reluctance to say anything concrete about this issue because we are not told so in the Quran. I cannot give u a yes/no response because it will then mean I am lying and telling u sth about God and His plans without knowledge and sorry to say I will be the only one to pay the price if I dare make such a claim.

I feel we have reached an impasse. I have nothing new to add, so maybe others might choose to carry on the discussion but right now I have nothing more to say.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Look, everyone, I'm sorry. Please stop harrasing me. I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you, I'm sorry if I badgered you, I'm just sorry. I'm just not at a very good point in my life right now. I'm constantly depressed, scared, or just plain stressed out. From the moment I get up in the morning to the moment i go to bed, I honestly feel like crying. i live in America, and as you may know, it is very scary for muslims here. Everyone hates us. Sometimes, I even feel that God hates me, for putting all this doubt and negative emotion into my mind. This site helped me feel better for a while, but now the scariness is back again and I feel like everyone on this forum is siding against me just for asking questions! Sometimes, I honestly feel like I want to kill myself, but I know that if I do that, I will be in hellfire forever. Sometimes, I feel like I am doomed towards hellfire no matter what, because of my thoughts. No one else in my (immediate) family is very religous, so they can't help me, and are confused as to why I am so sad. Its even worse because I remember, just a year back, feeling so happy. I had friends, and everybody liked me, and now I am just miserable. I know that God never burdens anyone with more than they can take but sometimes it feels like I am going to collapse under all the weight on my back. I'm so sorry for the long rant but I need to get this off my chest somehow. I don't know how long I can take this. Is their any advice from the Quran that can help me here??
Please respond
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)


Just read the quote brother Elijah shared. I don't want to lose my courage either, but its hard.
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)



Maybe u will not believe it, but u have no idea how close to home ur situation is for me. Yes it is a very scary time to be a muslim, not only in America, but all over the world! Non- extremist muslims are being killed in muslim countries too. Pls have faith, this too shall pass.

Most of us cannot even discuss our religious beliefs openly! Even with muslims because of our approach to the Quran and Islam in general. I cannot imagine how difficult it is for u to deal with such social repercussion of the action of a segment of people who proclaim to share our religious belief.

There is a reason why most of us are anonymous. We are not safe among muslims as well. They won't acknowledge us as muslims because of how we approach Islam and our moderate and Quran-centric beliefs.

A lot of us do not share the same philosophy with our family memebers as well. It does get lonely. But do not think for a second Allah does not care for u. He does, because He has chosen to guide u. Pls do not feel like u r not welcome, u r very much encouraged to ask questions, just wait for a response for a while! U r not alone

There is a reason why we r being tested, but this is the right time to cultivate patience. Whenever we r told about adversity faced by believers for just beleiving in God, Allah asks us to be patient.

The first thing that I will suggest u is to understand that u have to begin with a clean slate, make it a point to remember that there is a possibilty u were highly misguided by traditional muslims. But now that u r here, and u learned about the Quran-centric approach, subject any prior religious ideas/beliefs that u had to this rigorous method of finding out the truth and have faith in Allah. He has guided u so far and He will continue to do so in future inshallah.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Thank you Nura. Every day is a struggle for me, just to make it through the day. I pray deeply that I can come out of my ordeals with my faith stronger than ever every day. Do you know any tips from the Quran than can help?
Now back to the main topic at hand. I feel that I have done a very poor job of articulating my questions, so let me restate them here, so that you can hopefully help me: We are told in the Quran that life in the Hereafter will be NOTHING like life on Earth, so that earthly attributes like gender will (most likely) cease to exist. So why then does the Quran reference female and male entities in Heaven?
Rather, We dash the truth upon falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs. And for you is destruction from that which you describe. (21:18)



We are not told that life in hereafter will be nothing like the one we have on Earth.
We will have food and companionship and gardens and streams. Some common things we have enjoyed here on Earth as well.

But the thing is, we do not know what kind of food heaven will have some are mentioned like fruits etc. More tastier fruits? Bigger fruits? More variety? We are not told the details.

The belief that life in the hearafter will have nothing in common with life here on Earth is unfounded!
If that was so then there would'nt have been a point in saying there will be food in heaven or companionship in heaven.

All this just means, we will have food, we do not know the details about the menu :). We will have companions, we do not know what kind of a relationship we will have with them

U urself said earthly attributes like gender will most likely cease to exist,  understand that they might not cease to exist! We do not know! The new being that we will become may have not only two genders like male/ female! We might have multiple genders or be genderless. The possibilities are endless when there is a Quranic silence. The answer is we do not know, God knows!

U r not understanding that even if the word kawaiba is feminine, it does not mean definitively mean kawaiba will be a   female entity in the hearafter . The entity kawaiba may be a female or male or genderless. Just like Allah is genderless but refers to Himself as a HE. Why do u easliy believe that God does not have a gender? He refers to Himself as a masculine entity. I hope u understand the Arabic language is different, masculine/feminine words does not always tell us the gender of the subject! The Arabic word for moon is a feminine word , but do u believe the moon is female? Anything else?  :)

Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Peace / Shalom sister Nura .......you are a sister blessed with great wisdom ....》》and much patience. ...


She is bright isn't she.  ;D



Salam Duster and Eliiah

It is very kind of u guys to say so! Please pray for me as I will for all of u here so that we can be steadfast in faith . We can be of use to God and other believers and God does not derail us from the path to our ultimate destination, Him.

It is definitely a trying time for all of us, but I believe knowledge of the Quran and patience are the only two things we need to sail through life no matter what!

God Bless  :)
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien