Assalamu alaikum guys
First, i must say that i've read the answer Brother Joseph posted under another topic about the same ayah.
(Here it is: )
Although i find that answer to be rational enough, I don't feel quiet right about it. Because the other explanation, which claims that the man who frowned and turned away was not the Prophet (pbuh) but another man, has some arguments that i can't negate. (I'm not saying that the prophets were fault-free btw.) Here are my doubts about the subject:
- We see expressions very similar to
"abasa wa tawalla" (He frowned and turned away) also in the 74th surah:
18. Verily, he thought and plotted;
19. So let him be cursed! How he plotted!
20. And once more let him be cursed, how he plotted!
21. Then he thought;
22. Then he
frowned and he looked in a bad tempered way;
23. Then he
turned back and was proud;
24. Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old;
25. "This is nothing but the word of a human being!"
26. I will cast him into Hell-fire
These expressions in bold are similar in meaning, and kinda shows anger and dissatisfaction. It sounds like an act of a sinner. There ARE warnings to the Prophet (pbuh) in the succeeding ayat in surah 80 (80:3,4,5 ...) but
I think those warnings might not be due to the Prophet (pbuh) frowned and turned his back, but because he kept on talking to the man who frowned and turned away. Here is 80:5 - 6;
"...As for him
who considers himself free from need,
To him do you address yourself."
Think about a person who has no knowledge of the narrations, ahadith about this event. That the Prophet (pbuh) was talking to some men from Quraish etc... How can this person understand 80:5 ?
One could ask "who is this man ? who is the one that thinks he is free from need ?"
Is it not possible that this man is described in 80:1-2 ? The one who considers himself free from need ? That's why he became unhappy when the blind man arrived ? Is it no possible that the Prophet (pbuh) kept on talking to this man so Allah (swt) warned him ? Warned him like "you should not turn to that man who frowned when the blind man came, you should fix your attention to the blind man instead ?
And think about the rest of the 80th surah ... what kind of people does Allah (swt) talk about ? Ayat like:
17. Be cursed (the disbelieving) man! How ungrateful he is!
18. From what thing did He create him?
19. From Nutfah (male and female semen drops) He created him, and then set him in due proportion ...
Who is this ungrateful man and most importantly
Why does Allah (swt) talk about it just after He mentioned the incident that "abasa wa tawalla" occurred ?Please write your precious comments brothers and sisters ... sorry If I couldn't write this clear enough (because of English perhaps)