
Started by yahya, August 21, 2016, 09:36:29 PM

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Assalam alikum when it says don't come near zina some scholars say it means that you cant talk to the opposite sex weather seeing them or hearing them like in films and music that you cant listen to a women singing etc or see a women on the tv who wear western clothing meaning them showing there arms legs etc does that what this verse mean jazzakkallah


Also that they say this verse means that its not allowed for women and men to intermingle and talk to each other etc whether live or phone or Internet etc


Peace. 28:23-24 (a narration of Musa) might be of use to you.



Again this does not have a yes/no answer. Opposite genders can have food together and also intermingle with each other righteuosly. If talking with ppl from opposite gender will cause you to have an illegal relationship of a sexual nature with them, then you are asked not take partake in such an action. Again it is subjective. Whatever can make u commit zina , u have to avoid it. But this does not mean anybody else has to avoid them too because not everybody gets affected just from talking or interacting. U r asked to get away from whatever affects u. But you cannot pass an universal ban just because u get affected or some other ppl do. Quran does not ban these activities ( righteous intermingling). There is no ban in watching tvs and movies as long as watching does not cause u to have unrighteous thoughts or commit unrighteous activities
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Peace. What is an "unrighteous thought"?


Salam Gahaiile :)

Well I think it is self explanatory. I am not sure what's tripping u up. Sinful thoughts are most of the time what leads someone to commit something like zina. A lot of sins begin as thoughts. Thoughts lead to action. We are asked to be mindful of our thoughts. The concept of sinful thoughts was broached and discussed in detail on this forum especially on threads discussing sexual indiscretions. There is also the concept of willful thinking and unwanted thinking, we are asked to be weary about our wilful and unwanted sinful thoughts and not to indulge in them.  Also, it is subjective, something can be sinful for somone but not for another because each person is affected differently and with different intensity. Some people are not moved to commit sinful actions just because they have sinful thoughts but indulging in them longterm does lead to commiting sins.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Peace be upon you. Would you provide a reference to such a discussion?


I did... There are people belonging to various age groups on this forum , some are very young and everyone can access every thread, so I did not want to spell it out.. Brother Joseph talks about sinful thoughts on a thread on masturbation .. Look it up
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien




Assalam alikum thanks and thanks for the other post on the other link nura so slightly changing the subject when you say sinful thoughts is it actually a sin to have bad thoughts but never act on them like example you hate someone and you want to really hurt them but you don't because you know it's wrong is that accutaly a sin meaning that you could be punished for that etc if you know what I mean jazzakkallah


Any thoughts sorry


Salam Yahya  :)

No absolutely not, that is what makes us human brother. If u don't act on it knowing that u want to but refrain because it is a sin, this is what it means to be a human. God knows and He will compensate u after judgement takes place. Have faith in God, He is the most merciful.  We are expected to put our desire to obey God and not sin over our basic instincts. If we look at the list of things that are sinful, u will notice that God has asked us to engage in those activities but to follow God's rule. For example, we can eat the meat of grazing animals, but not the meat of pigs. Those who consume pigs can tell u how tasty that is. But knowing all this God wants us to not consume pig for His sake. To test our obedience. If we consider, the permissibility of a sexual relationship, then God wants us to get married first. All these desires that we have are how we were designed by Allah, we were meant to have a desire for the flesh of animals, we were meant to have the desire to mate. But God gave some conditions that have to be met before we satisfy these desires legally. This is done simply to test us. If we were not vulnerable and did not experience a desire to consume pig or do zina, then arguably life wouldn't have been a test and asking believers to refrain from these activities would have been redundant. We will be recompensed and God will be happy with us if we follow His orders because Allah knows what a difficult test He designed for us. We are expected to follow Allah's order despite the allure of sin. Sin is meaningless if it is not alluring. Nobody will sin, if these things did not have some benefits for us. Every sin can be justified, if u can get away with it. But, God never claimed that commiting sins did not have any worldly benefit for us. It is mostly the case, that we usually pay a heavy price in this world when we decide to not sin and choose to follow Allah's guidance.
Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien


Thanks jazzakkallah