confusion on 22:45 and 28:58

Started by yahya, September 29, 2016, 02:06:23 AM

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Assalam alikum I was just wondering these 2 verses sound like they contradict each other because 28:58 says some used them for a little while 22:45 says no one used them and does 27:52 say we can see there houses and is this say thamud houses are the ones in midian al saleh because that is wrong because the nabatean empire built them and they are not houses they are tombs


wa alaykum salam


And how many a town have We destroyed which exulted in its means of subsistence, so these are their abodes, they have not been dwelt in after them except a little, and We are the inheritors.


So how many a town did We destroy while it was unjust, so it was fallen down upon its roofs, and (how many a) deserted well and palace raised high.

Approach these two ayat coherently. Those towns were destroyed, dwellings were deserted and in ruin. After their first owners (people who were punished) just a few people dwelt in those places, but now you see them (their homes) as completely abandoned ! So, these two ayat together may not be indicating the same period of time. They could be telling us about the condition of those places gradually, over time. This is my opinion and ALLAH (swt) knows best.

About your second question, i don't have the required information of history to make a comment :(

Take care inshaALLAH.


Thanks so what nations is allah talking about because it can't be AD because there is nothing left or lots people and thamud either because those buildings weren't built by them or when it's says dwellings can it mean there land not just there homes or buildings if you know what I mean


I'm mean does can dwellings mean lands of where they live not specifically meaning the house they live in



i don't think it means lands of where they live. because there are two different words, which i marked in bold, to describe their towns/villages and their homes. this is the transliteration of 28:58 :

"Wakam ahlakna min qaryatin batiratmaAAeeshataha fatilka masakinuhum lam tuskan minbaAAdihim illa qaleelan wakunna nahnu alwaritheen"


Thanks that's what I meant by lands sorry that it it means the towns and villages not neascally there homes if you know what I mean sorry also like I said who are these towns because like I said it can't be AD because there is nothing left of them in our time or the prophets time jazzakkallah