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Offline yahya

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Need answer to so called contradiction
« on: October 22, 2016, 02:33:39 AM »
Assalam alikum some said to me that this is a contradiction 10:73 and 7:59 because in the first one it say allah made the survivors of noah flood after noah peace be upon him the khalifas but in 7:59 it says allah made the people of AD the khalifas after noah so how do we explain this is it possible that bada meant after as in the word like the people of noah not literally after but made them the khalifas like noah people or not how do we explain this jazzakkallah

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Re: Need answer to so called contradiction
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2016, 08:08:20 AM »
alaikum salam Yahya

can you re-check the numbers of the ayat you talk about ?

7:59 "We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous Day."
(there is no mention of "Ad" here)

10:73 "And they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the ship and made them successors, and We drowned those who denied Our signs. Then see how was the end of those who were warned."

Last one is simply about the people who survived the flood. So you can think of them as the first generation of a new community.

Offline yahya

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Re: Need answer to so called contradiction
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2016, 12:27:42 AM »
Sorry it is 7:69 and 10:73 I meant