arabic word ghillin meaning

Started by yahya, October 23, 2016, 11:39:05 PM

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Assalam alikum I was just wondering what does the arabic word ghillin mean does it mean malice or does it mean anything like yet say I dislike apples the taste etc I don't have malice towards the apple I just dislike the taste example or does the arabic word ghillin mean that


Like also in 7:43 remove malice does that mean we won't dislike stuff in heaven mean does it mean we won't dislike the stuff what happen on earth like genocide at stuff like that not meaning malice towards the person but hating the evil that the person did to people or wont we feel that any more meaning that will be happy that evil happen and genocide example because that would sound horrible that we can't hate the evil what happen on earth like geniced and what the evil people did that we would have to like that stuff and what happen etc example  because that would sound like Allah removing our emontions