Asalamu Alykum
Wakas to answer your questions
1. Aleppo and surrounding cities and countries are getting torn apart, where innocent people are getting tortured, raped, burned, and killed. Millions have fled. Regardless of who is at fault and which side is to blame, the fact is even if the people were Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, etc there is innocent people who have nothing to do with the conflict that broke out and are just part of society who have no where to go and no means to leave and are getting massacred. These in particular are brothers and sisters.
2. Even from afar, one can realize from watching local TV who are not interested in what is going on even display the horrors of this war. Also for those who go on the internet, it is almost not avoidable to see what has been displayed via Facebook, youtube, etc.
3. I do not see how this matters and also agree with Wanderer that I'm confused by your response.
Brother Ilker, one first must pray to the Lord with sincerity, that may He the Lord forgive the faults of the brothers and sisters and to adjust and straighten their ways and to help them.
Any helping hand to any refugees is well needed. I'm not sure how one can help those who are in Aleppo from far. How donations to the poor and starving and displaced is going to reach them.
The west is indeed aware of whats going on, and are not to concerned of the situation other than speaking kind words to whoever is doing the destruction and telling them to stop. Maybe there is wisdom in not intervening as this may start something that is far much worse I do not know. I'm as confused as you are, and we all really need to be taking the time to speak to the Lord and asking Him to find a way out, as I can see this spreading far and worse.
May God help the innocent. He is able to do all things.