
Started by sharon, January 18, 2017, 02:40:07 PM

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Assalam alikum I  know this might sound weird but does this verse mean that we humans would never be able to leave heaven just to visit another earth to see how others live and learn like if allah creates another creature another earth does this verse mean we would not be able to do like what the angles do like visit of course the angles live in heaven but they come down here to help so does this verse mean we could not do like what the angles do when we get to heaven inshallah I know it's a weird question but just wondered


Like example I would not desire to live in syria at the moment but I would desire to go there to visit to help the syrian refugees to help them that is what I mean from this verse does that mean we would not be able to do that if allah created another creature and earth after us and do like the angles do and I am not being disrespectful but just like to do what the angles do to learn and help people


Salam Sharon ,

This Vers is talking about a place in paradise called Firdaws and according to some companions of the Prophet it is located in the Center of the paradise on top of a hill .And this Ayat is Mutashabihat meaning not entirely clear for many, or some people. So i cant help you further to understand this vers.



salamun alaikum

I think this ayah simply explains the "never-ending" beauty of the Jannah, the Paradise. We will  (in sha Allah, Allah willing) be so happy in there that we will have no desire to leave that place. Of course ALLAH (swt) knows the true meaning of any ayah.