Dear Yahya,
Wa alaikum assalam
Please kindly see my responses to your questions in blue italics below. I trust that you will consider the responses carefully.
1. Verse 25:20 says every prophet walked the markets but markets did not exist before 5 thousand bc and adam abd noah came way before that The verse
does not speak about prophets,
but 'messengers'. The Quranic language is very precise. Not all messengers were prophets
[1]. Prophets had different aspects to their ministries
[2]. Therefore, messengers would have come to a people that would have had some semblance of an established community where the message would have needed to be re-iterated or made clear. They would have arguably come after the prophets (3:81)
Trade is an integral part of any community regardless of size. It is expected that wherever / whenever there was a community that was able to trade or exchange goods no matter how small, a market of some nature would have existed. Messengers as part of these communities would have at least been expected to buy some form of food / goods or walked within it.
2. The same with 5:27 talks about sacrificing animals Adams sons and it says the story is similar to the bible but animals were not domesticated before 8 thousand bc and again adam came way way before that There is
no mention in verse 5:27 as to what the sacrifices that were demanded were. Even if the Biblical perspective is accepted that the offerings were a lamb from Abel and fruit of the soil from Cain (Genesis 4:2-8), I do not see this as remarkable / fantastic that the first humans were able to domesticate / capture cattle. After all, they were humans and inspired by God to have at least some sort of knowledge particularly as sustenance is a basic requirement of a human’s existence.
3. And verse 54:13 says noah made his ark out of nails but metal nails didn't exsist before 8 thousand bc Verse 54:13
does not categorically claim that the ark was made out of nails. The Quran simply says that the ship was made from planks and
'dusur'. '
(Singular - disar).
Disar in this context means to fasten something. This can mean to fasten with a cord of fibres of the palm tree as well.
- - دَسَرَ, (M,) aor. دَسُرَ and دَسِرَ , (TA,) inf. n. دَسْرٌ, (M, K, TA,) He drove in a nail, with force: (K, * TA:) he nailed anything: (M:) he fastened, (M,) or repaired, (K,) a ship with a nail, (M, K,) or with cord of fibres of the palm-tree: (M:) or he fastened a ship by uniting its planks in the manner of sewing. (TA.) ― [4]
I hope this helps, God willing
REFERENCES:[1] END OF PROPHETHOOD - CONTINUATION OF MESSENGERS?[2] ASPECTS OF A PROPHETIC MINISTRY[3] IS VERSE 3:81 A REFERENCE TO ANY PARTICULAR MESSENGER?[4] LANE. E.W, Edward Lanes Lexicon, Williams and Norgate 1863; Librairie du Liban Beirut-Lebanon 1968, Volume 3, Page 879Highlights marked in red on the lexicon excerpt are my own insertions. They have no bearing on the original text other than they emphasise relevance to the topic at hand. These are merely illustrations and have solely been utilised for educational and explanatory purposes.