10:73-74 and 7:59

Started by yahya, March 21, 2017, 05:26:25 AM

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Assalam alikum I was just wondering it says in 10:73-74 god made the believers on the ark the khalifas but in 7:59 says the people of ad was made the khalifas so it sounds like a contradiction because how can these people be made khalifa in different parts of the world why it say AD was the khalifa after noah then thamud after AD

Joseph Islam

Dear Yahya,

Wa alaikum assalam

A 'khalifah' does not only mean a viceroy such as in verse 38:26 or as discussed in article [1] below. A 'khalifah' can also simply mean a successor. A people / generation that succeed another. One that come after another.

Please also kindly see how the verb 'khalafa' from the same root means to succeed in verses 7:169, 7:142 or 19:59.

It is also not surprising that more than one person or people can be appointed viceroys in different parts of the world. Surely one would accept that there are different leaders / kings exercising authority and power in different parts of the world.

The same word 'khalifah' is also used for humans who are 'viceroys' on the earth (6:165; 35:39, 2:30). There is nothing fantastic / remarkable about this too.

Also it appears that are you misquoting verse 7:59. I am assuming you were referring to verse 7:74 instead.

If you kindly read the verses again with the above in mind, the difficulty in your mind will be removed, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


I was just thinking
That the possible meanings could be that there were kings all over the earth and god made them the khalifas but god made the people of ad the main khalifas and then made thamud the mains kings after the people of ad

Or another possible meaning is there were khalifas all over the earth at the same time as the people of ad but it's just that God mentioned the people of ad and the reason why thamud were called the khalifas after ad is because they came from ad but also there were other khalifas


Around the earth at the same time as thamud these are the possible meanings that I think could be the meanings I think jazzakkallah


1. My other question is when 7:65 says ad was khalifa after noah the word after does it mean straight after like in a couple of hundred years or could after mean like just saying they were khalifas after noah but there could of been khalifas in between so could of ad been khalifas way way after noah like is it possible that noah came 20 thousand bc and ad 4 thousand bc can the word after mean that like example after the roman empire came the British empire but of course we know that was a big time gap and other empires exsist in between

2. Also in your opion when do you think Adam and noah and hud and sahilh was on earth in your opion jazzakkallah thanks for all the help and answers jazzakkallah

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