Started by good logic, May 07, 2017, 07:06:32 PM

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good logic

Peace all.
Calling all believers:  Monotheists, Submitters,Qoran centrics,others.... to GOD Alone, All you, whatever religion you may be, that are seeking "GOD ALONE". Let us unite in our aim:

Calling to the Creator, so we may be one congregation with "our Lord":

3:64″ Say:" O followers of the scripture ( all the religions out there that follow a scripture!), let us come to a logical agreement between us (loyalists to GOD ALONE) and you:" That we never serve/worship except GOD; That we never set up any idols beside HIM, nor set up any human beings ( Prophets/ Messiah/Religious leaders, Scholars, etc....) as lords beside GOD." If they turn away, say:" Bear witness that we are Muslimeen. ( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE)"

( Does your religion have Abraham , Some Jewish prophets, other messengers?)

3:67″ Abraham ( along with other prophets/messengers and believers) was neither Jewish nor Christian. ( nor traditional Muslim nor Shinto nor any other religion you can name .) He was a true Muslim/ submitter.( Totally loyal to GOD ALONE) He never was an idol Worshipper."

3:85″ Anyone who accepts other than Islam/submission ( and total loyalty to GOD ALONE) , it will not be accepted from him and in the hereafter, he will be with the losers."

Let us get the most important priority right:  GOD ALONE is the top priority.

Let us put all the differences of minor issues aside. Let us not be arrogant in whatever the Lord has provided for each of us ( Knowledge, wealth, friends ...)

4:49″ Have you noted those who exalt themselves. (very important people! including some scholars, some Religious leaders , some experts etc.... They understand better than the ordinary person?)  GOD is the one who exalts whomever HE wills ( best Teacher, best Expert.) without the least injustice. ( HE knows your innermost thought, if you pass HIS test, you qualify!)

Let us altogether hold fast to the rope of GOD. Pledge to follow HIM ALONE!

4:60″ Have you (also) noted those who claim they believe in GOD s scripture then uphold the laws of their idols? ( They follow made up rules , traditions and hocus pocus! Internet sites; Replace old idols with new "idols".) They were commanded to reject such laws." ( If they follow the word of GOD ALONE)

4:63″ GOD is fully aware of their innermost intentions. ( some of these experts/ leaders etc....) You shall ignore them ,( check and prove all things!) enlighten them ( let them reflect on these words of GOD!) and give them good advice ( to repent! GOD is waiting to forgive them if they correct!) that they may save themselves."

A Call to GOD ALONE.

4:65″ Never indeed by your Lord, they are not( true) believers until they find no hesitation in their hearts, ( to sincerely repent) they must submit, a true Islam/submission ( To GOD ALONE)."

GOD bless.
Total loyalty to GOD


Good logic - Submitters like you believe that 2 verses of the Qur'an were fake - 9:128-9:129. Please tell me how we unite on this point?

good logic

Peace Duster.
I call to GOD Alone.
GOD does the guiding and unites.
I see you as a brother.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Sorry but that doesn't address the question which is very important in my opinion in lots of ways.

Submitters like you believe 2 verses of the Book we have are fake. How do we unite on that?....

You started the post, so pls explain.....

good logic

Peace Duster.
I have already clarified for you that I am a believer. You are calling me submitter and you keep insisting on that despite my clarification

I do not follow Rashad Khalifa ,I follow GOD Alone and His message. Rashad passed on a message and is gone now.

I have checked code 19 and I have found,according to my own research ,that GOD has locked His words (Qoran) mathematically. Apart from that, I study Qoran and follow Qoran alone.
If you feel this is a problem for you,I respect your decision.
If you also feel this should stop me from calling all those who are sincere in seeking GOD Alone to unite on this common ground,then you are free to make that feeling known.
That is my honest and sincere explanation to you brother.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Good logic - let me put the question again to you simply .....

As you believe that 2 verses of the Book are fake, how do we unite?

good logic

Peace Duster.
I hope I will also put it even simpler to you that our differences are not the issue as far as calling to GOD Alone to unite is concerned and I will list you the reasons:

1- Whatever your detailed beliefs,whatever your religion,if you believe in GOD,the last day and do good you have no fear nor grieve. What is wrong with all the seekers of GOD Alone ,in any sect or religion,to put their differences aside and unite in serving/worshipping GOD Alone and seeking redemption.
Of course one is free to stay divided if they wish.

2- I am calling to  GOD Alone and His message. Note that this instruction is in your message if you believe Qoran" Wa uduu Ila Rabbik"( Call to your Lord) and "Wa lladhina yasiluna Ma Amara Allahu Bihi An Yussala" ( They pass on the message).  That is all I am doing.

3- I am not calling you or anyone else to my religion or my way or my beliefs. I am irrelevant. This is about GOD and His message. Hence a choice one can take or leave. If one goes to GOD s message,they will find that they have to study it/ponder it because they will be asked by GOD" Akadhabtum Biaayati Wa Lam Touhito Biha Ilman"(Did you not believe in my AAyat( message) and study them/ponder/check them or what is it you were doing?)

4-you are entitled to ignore this thread from now on if it does not make sense to you .

5- You are also entitled to counter this call by your own call and sell your beliefs , I will look at your good arguments and consider the case to join you . That will probably make more sense than me explaining to you why I am calling to GOD Alone and unity.

6-We can always disagree and leave it at that. You are entitled to your way and I am to mine.

Apart from this few points I really cannot explain to you any better or clearer why I am calling to GOD Alone and unity between all the believers in all the religions. Apart from:

Thank you brother.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


Quote from: good logic on May 08, 2017, 12:36:07 PM
What is wrong with all the seekers of GOD Alone ,in any sect or religion,to put their differences aside and unite in serving/worshipping GOD Alone

How can they worship GOD and unite when one group believes that salah does not mean ritual worship......another believes there are 3 ritual prayers......another 2 ......and others 5.......?

How can they unite in worshiping GOD when one group believes that saum does not mean fasting????

You think you are fulfilling your duty by calling them to unite when you yourself believe that 2 verses of the Book are fake?

good logic

Peace Duster.
Yes,it seems so difficult ,but when we stop and listen to that argument we are doing exactly what multitude of religions are doing. Mine is better than yours. Yours is false and mine is the truth!
GOD said unite "Bihabli Allhi", come to  a common term between yourselves.

Well, then how are we supposed to sort it out?
Keep  arguing with each other? Fight one another? Each to their  own,while we harbour bad feelings about each other?

I think if we go to GOD Alone ,each one of us with honesty and sincerity  and implore GOD  for unity and let GOD take it from there. GOD is capable of uniting our hearts,like He has done with some generations before us. They had different religions to start with? Or not. But we have got to try.

I am  only trying to place  the monotheistic concept in the spot light: [2:135] and [2:136].
Positively delivering the good news: [3:15] can then follow.
But of course with respecting God's given gift of freedom to each and every human on earth irrespective of their belief: [6:135], [6:147] , [109:1-6] .
Am I expecting everyone to "wear the same uniform"? Of course not . WE can never do that as human beings when we are diverse. But agreeing to serve the same and only Lord will be a start.

I do get your point though.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD


peace all,

GL, I agree with the gist of your message. Unfortunately many people prefer to focus on the differences rather than what we have in common.

The Quran shows wisdom/insight with regards to this.

2:148 And for each is a direction/goal he turns towards it, so race (to) the good deeds. Wherever that you will be, God will bring you (all) together. God is on every thing Able/Powerful.

5:48 ...for each of you We have made laws, a structure. Had God willed, He would have made you all one nation, but He tests you with what He has given you, so race (to) the good deeds. To God you will return all of you, and He will inform you regarding that in which you dispute.

Verify for yourself. www.Misconceptions-About-Islam.com

good logic

Thank you brother wakas for the verses and your post.

GOD is capable of substituting better people from this and the future generations if He wills.

New knowledge/technology/communication/the mixing between nations and races...  is also starting a "wake up call" to all humans that division and strife/enmity between them ( religions and sects up there at the top)  has led to nothing but disasters and wars!!!

The more I look into GOD s message,the more I see that Jesus was spot on about" LOVE GOD AND LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR",the only command/instruction that will break these barriers .

I am still positive and hopeful though.
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

good logic

Peace brothers and sisters.
Just to let you know I will be away until the end of May.
I am going to Africa ,hence I may not reply to posts on this thread until I am back.
GOD bless you all.
Total loyalty to GOD


Peace be with you bro good logic.

May God make your trip much good and peaceful Insha'Allah.

Salam ☺

good logic

Thank you brother Hamzeh.
The trip was interesting and enjoyable. A lesson to help towards submitting to the Creator.
GOD bless you and all the brothers and sisters here.
Total loyalty to GOD