Where was Adam created | Prof. Caner Taslaman

Started by Tausif Ahmed, March 16, 2020, 01:08:29 AM

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Tausif Ahmed

"Being crazily in Love with God is a great honor for Believer" ~ Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)


forcing science boundaries in order to prove one's religion is dangerous because you took science over quran as validator and once science tells something opposite of quran you have two choices either accept it or live a hypocrisy reject science when it is not usefull.

good logic

For me , believing Qoran is GOD s words can only mean that GOD will never contradict proven/evidenced Science.
The questions that we should ask, if we believe Qoran is from GOD are these:

1-Did GOD say it or is it people s interpretation?

2- Which evidenced/proven Science contradicts what GOD says?( There should be none!!! We need to check and investigate rigorously!!!))

3-Is all Science always evidenced and proven?
Because we know for sure GOD will never err, forget or lie.
GOD bless.
Total loyalty to GOD