How can i translate articles on your website ?

Started by Adil Husain, October 31, 2012, 03:19:24 AM

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Adil Husain

Dear Joseph Islam and all , Salamun alaikum

Majority of Muslims are living in places where English is not a mother-tongue (like Pakistan , Indonesia , Saudi , etc). Moreover , the people who need such articles most cannot understand English.
On the other hand , most of the Books written on traditional belief are easily available in Local language.

Some of my friends ask me questions like '' How Salah can be done without Hadith ?'' , etc. and i can not recommend your articles because of language problem.
So , Is there any way to translate your articles   [I have used the online translators but it simply translate word to word and flow (and sometime meaning ) of Language is distorted]
'I must strive for reformation of myself and the world'

Joseph Islam

Dear Adil,

Peace to you.

Thank you for your enquiry.

This is a question I do get asked frequently and I completely understand the sentiment in your post. A lot of my articles are already being translated into different languages by kind souls from around the globe, Alhumdolillah.

However, given some of the limitations of on-line translation tools, this is oft being actioned manually, article by article. Given some of the languages in which the articles (and illustrations) are being translated, I personally would have no way to verify each rendition. Therefore, I simply kindly ask for the name of the translator to be cited on the article or illustration after reference to the source and site to maintain traceability to the source and the translator.

If you feel that a particular article / articles would benefit being translated and disseminated in a particular language that you are conversant with, please feel free to translate it citing yourself as the translator. I do agree that the only way to capture the true essence of the syntax of a narrative would be to translate it manually.

May God reward all those that strive in His cause iA.


'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


Salaamun Alayka,
Sir Joseph/Moderators,

Has any one rendered your articles into Urdu? If you're aware of any such please share their links.

Best wishes.
~ Student