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Offline miracle114

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Salaam all
In reading verses 35-19 to 35-22 is our Almighty creator saying his message of the Quran is being given to dead souls? I am struggling to understand these verses 
If YES  what would be it's purpose ?

Jzk and kind regards

Offline niaz

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salaam miracle114,

I do not see anything in these verses about the message being given to dead souls. God is making a distinction between those who are guided and have attained faith with those who are not, and explaining with metaphors that the difference between them is "night and day" (as we would say in English). And I understand the latter part of verse 22 as a criticism of those trying to communicate with dead people (prophets, saints etc.), pretending they can hear us.

Someone who is spiritually blind is not the same as one who sees the truth clarity (see 40:58).

Just like darkness (ignorance) is not the same as light (guidance).

And the shade (like in paradise - 56:30) is not the same as the scorching heat (like in hell - 9:81).

And living are not the same as the dead.

And God gives whomever He wills power to hear. But we should not think that we can make the dead hear us, and try to communicate with those who are dead. I used to call on Muhammad in my Salat (as salaamu 'alaika ayyuhannabiyyu ...). But he is in his grave, and could not hear me. Nor can Muhammad hear the calls of the millions of others who call upon him. People call upon Jesus. And Ali, Hasan and Hussain. And Abdul Qadir Jeelani. And dozens of other saints in their graves. People do "ziyarat" of their tombs, and also Muhammad's tomb in Medina, and talk to them and make special prayers to them. God is describing the futility of this practice.

Incidentally, Quran is a message for those who are alive, and not those who are dead.

... It is only a reminder and a profound Quran. This is to warn those who are alive and to fulfill the truthful promise for the unfaithful. [36:69-70]

(ironically, this is in Sura Ya Seen, which is traditionally recited to the dead.)


Offline miracle114

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Jzk niaz
I completely misread 35:22. I interpreted it as God was telling the prophet than he(the prophet) couldn't guide anyone in their grave but he (God )could deliver his message to the dead.

Jzk for clearing it up.

Offline niaz

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Hmm ... thats interesting. I had not read it like that, but I see how it can be read as addressing the prophet, in the context of the following verses (23-25). Now that you described it, I understand what you were asking. That also looks like a valid way to read it, and if we do, it is intriguing what v. 22 could mean.

Just a thought - as a metaphor (just like blind vs. seer, darkness vs. light, shade vs. heat) - living vs. dead would mean those who are guided and spiritually alive vs. those who have shut their minds to the truth and spiritually dead. Then the prophet had no power to make such people hear the message of God (who were metaphorically "in the graves" as far as their spiritual health was concerned).

God knows best.
