Dear Student,
Peace to you,
Sorry for my late attention. I will briefly respond to what appears to me to be your concerns. I have been quite busy with some other commitments elsewhere. I will give some more elaboration some other time where possible and where necessary.
You respectfully noted:
“…when al-Jabal apears (in 7:171) the word nataqna (shook) is used (not ra'fana (raised) as in 2:63, 93 & 4:151). Given Quran's precision word choice are these two different events, perhaps?”
Possibly yes. However, in my opinion, to assert such a possibility, it must strongly and cogently be proven the case and not contextually the obvious position of those passages relating to an event at a particular point in time. I would not bet accuracy of a whole event that is contextually portrayed in both the Quranic passages upon a difference in a single word used especially when others do relate.
I quote:
“However, the al particle is absent when it was used with Saina/Sineen. Aren't these two different then?”
I do admit that the reference of ‘thwur’ in both 23:20 and 95:2 is different from its reference in the other verses with respect to its morphological aspect owing to the definite article ‘al.’ However, I would respectfully not take that as a cue to distinguishing between terms rather distinguishing between two morphological usages of the same root word.
With regards to functionality, it can be argued that in 23:20 and 95:2, ‘thwur’ has been indefinitely employed to generally refer to a well-known typical mountain (95:2) from which sprout out certain trees (23:20) while in the other verses, it has been used definitely by virtue of the article ‘al’ to relate to a particular such-like mountain associated with a particular event in the past specifically associated with the particular community under address - People of the Book (2:53, 65; 7:169-170).
Hopefully that shortly helps.