When i read 4:43 i came to the conclusion that: We should not come near the communion while intoxicated, until you know what you are saying, nor if you had an intercourse, unles a wayfarer, until you wash.
Why would God let Jesus Christ, and Moses, David and all other prophets drink wine? And let not Muhammad? Is wine really forbidden according to the Quran? Or did the sectarians invent this false doctrine? Why would wine be forbidden if God is promising the believers rivers of wine in Paradise?
Same goes for wearing gold and silk. The sectarians say that we can't wear them. But God is promising such things in Paradise.
When i read 4:43 i read that i shouldn't pray while intoxicated, until i know what i am saying. Which indicates that we can drink. But we shouldn't be drunk when praying. And if i read the Gospel i read that drinking wine and eating bread at a specific day symbolizes the blood and flesh of Christ. We read that other prophets did drink as well.
How do you guys think about this analyses of the verse. Please stick to Quranic verses, and lets not use 'i think we shouldn't drink, or my family won't except it etc.'