Asalamu 3alykum
Dear brother Duster and sister ShatteredEmblem
Just a reminder that we are brothers and sisters and yes it could be frustrating to see eye to eye at times.
I admire that we are on this forum because we believe in the authenticity of the Quran for one reason or another although some topics might not be comfortable or maybe beyond our comprehension for a while.
I would like to start off by trying to answer a couple questions you had while not giving to many assumptions.
I feel like some people use the command for women to cover so they are not "molested" (33:59) to show that clothing is supposed to protect a woman? But I've even heard of cases where women were sexually assaulted near the Kabah, fully clothed. How is clothing a protection?
33:59 O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.It is worth to mention that this verse has been revealed to the prophet to tell only his wives, daughters and the believing women to draw over themselves their clothing so that they are not abused, or troubled.
This verse is surrounded by verses where there is abuse/insults being spread or said about God, the prophet, believing men and believing women. There is no instruction to fight against such insults as the only punishment is one that is deferred to another life(33:57-58).
However there is a threat from God that if and only if the hypocrites do not stop inciting hatred and false rumours against the believers which could cause corruption and disturbance in a land and the killing of innocent people then God will grant victory to the believers by way of fighting(33:60-61)
So that being said there is nothing to suggest to me that the word "yu'dhayna" in verse 33:59 means molesting. As this would directly be an act of severe transgression, rape, or violence and would arguably result in immediate retaliation and one that is just as bad or even worse than what is happening in 33:60-61.
The verse above does give guidance to those who are God conscious and who seek to be chaste married or unmarried on how to dress and not be troubled or insulted by the disbelievers or anyone.
Why is it so common in the Muslim community to acknowledge men's sexual "urges" and "inclination to commit adultery/sin" but not as much women's?
Well true muslims should not give off that impression and I'm sure they understand women and men have desires and it is well known from the Quran that a man and women can fall into sin not juts a man. (24:2). Another example is in the story of prophet Joseph and the wife of the king.
Regardless of where this was rooted from, a person man or women who desires to be a believer and seek to abide by the laws of God will know that God strongly condemns adultery/sin (24:2).
Those who are Muslim men and think because of their urges they are able to commit adultery/sin are only fooling themselves.
However we also have to admit that adultery/fornication is not the same as a marriage bond. This needs to be appreciated. If a women has urges then they must commit to a marriage bond which has rules. Like wise for a man.
The women has the right to marry who she wants and the man has the right to marry who he wants as long as they are believers.
Where from a Quranic perspective in a marriage its the man who is responsible for giving a dowry to whatever a women wants, that he is a protector and provider for the family, etc.
There are also women who have higher urges than their male counterparts in marriages/relationships.
I'll take your word for it
What's the "solution" for a woman if she's married to a man but desires more than him? And it does happen! Women also cheat and commit adultery!
Yes sister I'm sure they are prone to doing these things just as men do.
The Quran in my humble opinion is not giving a man a solution or remedy for his temptations by allowing him to marry more than one wife. Although this can be taken advantage of.
There is times where a man or a women cannot find marriage and God instructs them to be patient 24:33 no matter how great the appetite for sexual relations are.
Therefore the permissibility for polygyny is not so much only to satisfy ones needs. There is wider wisdom possibly only known to the Lord Himself.
I would say self-constraint and being patient is the way for both men and women, so I don't understand why men can have an excuse and even a "solution"....
I'm a little confused as to what you are asking now?
You seem to have given yourself the answer or at least you seemed to acknowledge that self-constraint is possible no matter the urges. I agree with you.
So if you believe this is a solution and it can be done, then I see the problem you may have at this point is that you find that if the man is allowed to marry more than one so should the women. But if the man does not do it then the women should not do it.
I feel like the problem you have is with the issue of equality and what God has imposed on men and women. Not so much that one cannot self-constraint or abide by the rules of God, but by that of equality.
To be honest sister I do not think anyone Except God can tell us why He has chosen these laws. The Quran also has laws about other things that we do not understand which do not impose a threat on the message of the Quran but does give the believers something to think about and put their trust in God.
We men are also possibly puzzled because we know that it hurts some of our wives and daughters and mothers. We see their curiosity as to why. But what do we do? Ban it, forbid it?
I'm sure some do not do it because they understand it hurts their families in days like today. But is it right to twist the words of God and try to some how ban it?
As I’m sure you will appreciate that we are believers of the Quran and accepted the Quran's veracity and believe the origin of the Quran to be from the Lord. Just because we are not able to fathom or comprehend the reason behind why God has allowed polygany for a man, we cannot simply forbid it or sweeten the message to the liking of others which I've noticed muslim men have tried to do at certain points.
We do not encompass the life of this world and what it entails.
Todays world is changing fast. As always it changes in different directions all the time. From good to bad, from bad to good, or whatever roots the people choose.
It could be argued that this life is not always so pleasant and calm and will never be a heavenly abode, and the events that have unfolded in the past or will unfold in the future will possibly carry the answers to such questions and why God has chosen these rights to whatever of His creation. He encompasses all things. There does seem from a historic standpoint that women were not always against polygany so much as to how women are today. Was there something that caused or led it to be acceptable to some point? or was it a need in the world? Will it happen again?
Just some thoughts I ask myself.
God knows best.
As believing men we need to understand these questions also. Its our duty to try to share as best as possible the message of God to our sisters, wives, mothers, etc. and vice versa.
We need to understand that women are going to be somewhat saddened and not comprehend as to why God has allowed it and we men will also possibly not understand its comprehension as well.
Insha'Allah other ladies would comment and give their views as well, and please do not think we are against you but take it as we also have thought about it and just sharing to what we understand best.
God knows best