Is 6 weeks of pregnancy (According to blood test report) create lives?

Started by Beyond Tradition, April 18, 2019, 06:05:03 PM

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Beyond Tradition

Dear Brother Joseph
Salamun Alaikum . My another important question is to you that is 6 weeks of pregnancy ( According to blood test report) create lives in the womb of a female ? If any women not physically fit  or no medical and regular care available in her family  then will she be permuted to
remove this 6 weeks pregnancy ? If it already created lives then will it not be seen for killing the lives ? I have a relative facing this situation . She is not physically FIT and often she remain sick and moreover there are nobody to look after her in her family on the other hand she has already two children ( one is 2 yards old ) so it definitely will be at risk for her to birth another baby . So please input your thought in Quran's perspective . In verse of the Quran " do not kill your baby due to only poverty " I do not understand from the verse that which stage of pregnancy we can call lives when God instructed not to kill afraid of poverty ? 

I share an absolute true event that my own sister conceived a baby for about 4 months ( per medical term matured enough ) . But suddenly she was attacked with both malaria and typhoid ( bad fiver ) and her health condition was so bad that doctor said to save her live 4 months baby must be removed by crashing in her womb . And at this stage every will give judgement to remove 4 months baby.
And finally we removed baby . I think God is merciful .

Truth Seeker

In brief, a human soul/life starts approximately 3 months after conception according to the Quran. Joseph Islam has commented on this topic, which may be helpful to you:

Joseph Islam

Dear Truth Seeker / Beyond Tradition,

As-salamu alaykum to you both.

It is correct that in my humble view of the Quranic narratives, I have posited that the point at which the nafs / soul is possibly recognised, is approximately 3 months after conception.

However, it is also important to remember the Quran's focus on the preservation of innocent human life in all its forms which would arguably encompass both the mother and a child. Therefore, a mother's welfare should also be of paramount importance / consideration as part of any medical decision that is undertaken.

Indeed, God is most merciful.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell

Truth Seeker

Quote from: Joseph Islam on April 18, 2019, 09:42:15 PM
Dear Truth Seeker / Beyond Tradition,

As-salamu alaykum to you both.

It is correct that in my humble view of the Quranic narratives, I have posited that the point at which the nafs / soul is possibly recognised, is approximately 3 months after conception.

However, it is also important to remember the Quran's focus on the preservation of innocent human life in all its forms which would arguably encompass both the mother and a child. Therefore, a mother's welfare should also be of paramount importance / consideration as part of any medical decision that is undertaken.

Indeed, God is most merciful.


Salaam Joseph,

Thank you for the additional comments.  Much appreciated.  :)