Issue About God - Multiple Questions for Brother Joseph Islam

Started by Reader Questions, May 22, 2019, 11:49:40 PM

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Reader Questions

Good day sir,
Peace be upon you,

I'm from Malaysia.

I've been reading few articles that talks about Muhammad was just an Ordinary Prophet without any Miracle but Quran only as the source for guidance for whole humanity... And I'm accepting the Fact he was only normal being not out of ordinary from Late Prophet.

I always seek an answer like for 6-8 years struggle to find what was the TRUE ISLAM is.

I'm trying to get an answer but sadly not all of my answer were replied by scholar but an Excuse to Avoid my Question.

Back then, there's few people that caught my attention like Zakir Naik, Ahmad Deedat, Rashad Khalifa, Sam Gerran, Quranite Site(solely only Quran), and you Joseph Islam. Actually there's many of great people like u..

Im really against what was happening to Muslim's World today. They did whatever religious deed that has nothing to do with Islam but saying from HADITH AND SUNNAH (written from hearsay and collected) that allah decreed to be UNRELIABLE SOURCE since Quran was our ONLY RELIABLE HADITH AND SUNNAH!

I really Wish u may answer few QUESTIONS  that Hunt me still...

1. Does Allah really address Himself to be our God? If so, where's in the Quran He claims that He is our God?  As far as i know Allah reject believing to any God nor the idea about worshipping God but only Allah.

2. Why translate Allah's Name to be God since Allah specifically was His Name? Ilahi or Ilaha in arabic means God. Then, why did Muslim translate a Name to be something else? And even worse Rabb to be God but not Lord.

3. Does Allah really command woman to wear a veil? As far as i know Allah only command believing woman to lengthen their garments to avoid  women being molested. 

4. What kind of Salat did Allah teach in Quran? Was it really we need to do all the step or only part of it such as Stand or Bow or Prostrate? And does rakaah matter in Quran?

5. Does Allah really describe Muhammad to be Illiterate (Ummi)? Because my people believe Muhammad as Illiterate person that may chant Quran as part of his miracle. Few my personal research said the right translation was Gentiles - those who did not receive or heard any previous scriptures. And i believe Muhammad writes Quran by his own hand because he was a merchant, there is no way he was illiterate. Whatsmore, why Allah made a surah about Pen to write if Muhammad can't write anything at all? What do u say about this?

I hope u may answer my Question since u have deep understanding about Quran.. and im thankful to Allah for let me experience huge knowledge from great people like you..

sincere thanks,

Joseph Islam

Peace be upon you too.

Please kindly see my responses to your questions in brown below:

1. Does Allah really address Himself to be our God? If so, where's in the Quran He claims that He is our God?  As far as i know Allah reject believing to any God nor the idea about worshipping God but only Allah.


Yes, please see verses 20:14 and 21:92 as examples

2. Why translate Allah's Name to be God since Allah specifically was His Name? Ilahi or Ilaha in arabic means God. Then, why did Muslim translate a Name to be something else? And even worse Rabb to be God but not Lord.


Please see article below:

3. Does Allah really command woman to wear a veil? As far as i know Allah only command believing woman to lengthen their garments to avoid  women being molested. 


Please see article below:

4. What kind of Salat did Allah teach in Quran? Was it really we need to do all the step or only part of it such as Stand or Bow or Prostrate? And does rakaah matter in Quran?


Please see link below

5. Does Allah really describe Muhammad to be Illiterate (Ummi)? Because my people believe Muhammad as Illiterate person that may chant Quran as part of his miracle. Few my personal research said the right translation was Gentiles - those who did not receive or heard any previous scriptures. And i believe Muhammad writes Quran by his own hand because he was a merchant, there is no way he was illiterate. Whatsmore, why Allah made a surah about Pen to write if Muhammad can't write anything at all? What do u say about this?


Please see article below:

I hope this helps, God willing.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell


As Salam Alaykum,

Just wanted to point out that link number 4 is repeated.


Joseph Islam

Wa alaikum assalam brother Ahmad,

Jazak Allah you for letting me know. The link has now been updated.

'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act' 
George Orwell