Is 5:3 The last verse of the Qur'an?

Started by Mubashir, February 19, 2012, 11:23:06 PM

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Salam Dear All.

We read in 5:3 "Today, those who are bent on denying the truth have lost all hope of [your ever forsaking] your religion: do not, then, hold them in awe, but stand in awe of Me! Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full measure of My blessings, and willed that self-surrender unto Me shall be your religion. As for him, however, who is driven [to what is forbidden] by dire necessity and not by an inclination to sinning -behold, God is much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace.

Can we take this as the last verse of the Qur'an? Or the meaning here entails some other aspect?



Salamu aleikum brother

From  the secondary sources we are told, that  this verse was set as a seal upon the message of the Koran. (revealed Arafat Friday, 9 Dhu al-Hijjah, 10 AH, 82 days before death the Prophet)
For me it plays no role because the entire Koran is regarded as a complete collection of wisdom. So we don't disconnect any Ayas from the remainder of the Quran (not pretend as Sunnis) We are encouraged to study the Qur'an as a in its entirety , so it is unimportant whether this verse was revealed as the final or not, this is not  altering the message of the Quran .
Salam  :)

Truth Seeker


I think that this could be the last one but if you look at this verse and the previous one, they entail specific laws so it may be a reference to that aspect of faith. In the end we will never really know.

Sardar Miyan

Salam This Aya is supposed to have been revealed on last day of Haj to Exalted Prophet declaring "Akmaltu lakum Deenukum " and prescribing our Deen as Islam. The message is complete though it is somewhere in between the Book. I hope JA may comment.

May entire creation be filled with Peace & Joy & Love & Light