not menses but war`?

Started by chadiga, February 19, 2012, 11:55:14 PM

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salamu aleikum
i read a question in an other forum about Vers 2.221 about the menses . One from the answers was:

Quote:  The verse 2- 221 has a word محیض, it is اسم الظرف and the paradigm is مفعل . The meaning of the word can not be menses , The word for menses is حیض then why instead of حیض the word محیض is used.

the word محیض means the place or the time or the target of حیض one of the meaning of حیض is menses while meanings are blood like material coming out of the stem acacia tree (حا ض شجرالشمر), Water flows (حیض ٰالماء). So the meaning of محیض is place or time when blood or water flows . Now keeping in view the context of war the simple meanings are the time or place of war .

Other objection to the usual translation is the answer to the query about محیض the answer is painful. This answer is not correct about menses. Its only painful or disturbing to some ladies. This statement can not be taken categorical for all ladies. Hence It is again to be interpreted as condition of war.

Hence فاعتزلوا النسا ء never means keep yourself away from ladies but here it again means keep yourself away from the oppressed or weak people till they have cleared of the wrong thoughts and ideas. Once they are pure according to Quranic teachings then you may come to them according to the orders of Quran. Because God loves those who return to the right path and purifies.

the first time i see a such interpretation. My understanding of this verse is that the time or the place of the outflowing blood is meant. This is a violation because the uterus is not closed. So if a couple had sexual contact during that time, this could have direct consequences for the woman, as bacteria or viruses etc. penetrate freely into the uterus and could cause infections there. Thus, the commandment is not to approach the women in this time, a logical and rational arrangement of God and has nothing to do with war.
What do you think?


Dear Chadiga,

These and other "translations" I have also come accross at !!

If we accept what they are saying about the real meaning of menses ("....means keep yourself away from the oppressed or weak people till they have cleared of the wrong thoughts and ideas. Once they are pure according to Quranic teachings then you may come to them according to the orders of Quran. Because God loves those who return to the right path and purifies....") then it makes no sense either. People who are sick need medicne; People who are lost in strange ideologies need to be introduced to True Guidance (Qur'an). Why would staying away from such people will be advised? Why not apporach them and discuss and explain to them what True Deen is??




dear mubashir
thank you very much for your very good thoughts! :)