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Offline Tausif Ahmed

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Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« on: February 23, 2020, 01:29:04 AM »
I know this has been quite well discussed by Brother Joesph & on this forum, but I want to know that if there are and have been messengers who came after Prophet Muhammad & will come... do they know they are Messengers?
Or can this status of Messenger-hood attained? I mean, these messengers are not the same as 'prophets' so they are not messengers in a Prophetic sense, but due to their efforts for bringing people towards God & his scripture(Quran)...
So can We be Messengers in a sense..? in that way... because this seems the only explanation of this.
 ??? ???

p.s: Sorry I am new to forum & dont know much how to use forum, apologies for any mistakes
"Being crazily in Love with God is a great honor for Believer" ~ Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

Offline Beyond Tradition

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Re: Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2020, 05:20:59 AM »
Salamun Alaikum .
Good question . I also want to have more input about this topic from the senior members Of this forum.

Offline munir rana

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Re: Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2020, 02:03:55 PM »
Dear Brothers

Hope that you have already read this response from Brother Joseph

Offline good logic

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Re: Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2020, 09:35:25 PM »
Peace TausifAhmed.

 Let me tackle a different angle about "messengers" to humans. What use has this been to the humans (except few!)?
Look at what is happening to the humans across the world!!!( May be except very few?!!!) ,here is a list(some of it at least):

- We have become selfish , desiring more money and materials of this world at the expense of human decency.
-we have zero moral standards about caring for the less privileged, we are divided and "racist/hateful" towards the other side(Whatever the other side is to the races , nations and tribes...)
- We accept and support leaders that admit lying to us and stealing wealth from the other side/nations..
- we do not care one iota about each other when it comes to competing about jobs, money status and are easily bought by the very rich and famous and "worship" their system.
-Our leaders pretend to do things in the name of democracy and human values, we know their game, we can clearly see the hypocrisy, but we turn a blind eye and suck up to them and their system of fake democracy!!!
-We support or ignore injustice towards others and oppression of others in the name of being more "civil " than them.
- ...I am sure most of you can add to this list....

What is happening to the majority of humans? How can we manage to sleep at night? Where is our compassion and good instinct gone?
Can messengers save the majority?
For those few that expect messengers ,here is the "living messenger of GOD":

يٰأَهلَ الكِتٰبِ قَد جاءَكُم رَسولُنا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُم كَثيرًا مِمّا كُنتُم تُخفونَ مِنَ الكِتٰبِ وَيَعفوا عَن كَثيرٍ قَد جاءَكُم مِنَ اللَّهِ نورٌ وَكِتٰبٌ مُبينٌ
O people of the scripture, our messenger has come to you to proclaim for you many things you have concealed in the scripture, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from God, and a profound scripture.

Yes indeed, Qoran is that living messenger. All past , present and future true messengers will only confirm Qoran.
Following Qoran is following all messengers of GOD.
May the lord wake us up and guide us!!!
GOD bless you.
Total loyalty to GOD

Offline Tausif Ahmed

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Re: Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2020, 10:34:51 PM »
Thanks friends @munir rana and @good logic for your insights.
"Being crazily in Love with God is a great honor for Believer" ~ Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

Offline good logic

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Re: Messengers after Prophet Muhammad will continue...
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2020, 10:13:26 PM »
Thank you Tausif Ahmed for your reply.

Brothers and sisters,
Since we are discussing this subject in here,Messengers , including the living messenger- Qoran- have a clear message for the humans:

"This is a message for all the people.
 For those who wish to go straight (yastaqeem in Arabic text, a verb derivative from STRAIGHT/MUSTAQEEM /Upright...).

 GOD is talking to all of us-humans-.
Once we come across the message of Qoran, it becomes apparent to "uoli Al Albab"- Those that choose to follow the message- that the straight path is the clear message(6:151-153) and:

The path of God, to whom belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Absolutely, all matters are controlled by God.

 God placed the instinct of right from wrong in our hearts before coming to earth. Humans are gifted with what would place them on the starting point of the STRAIGHT PATH-To be fair, to be  respectful to have the right attitude and conduct, be just...etc-. Once we decide to hit that point, we are promised to be blessed with all the guiding means from God to stay on it. The choice is always ours.
We, all humans, should reflect on this conditioned and honourable invitation from GOD ,our creator:

With it( Qoran s message), God guides those who seek His approval. He guides them to the path of peace, leads them out of darkness into the light by His leave, and guides them in a straight path.
And there lies the cause /aim of the message(From all the messengers of GOD). The majority of course have ignored or will ignore the message from the one who created us all and knows what is best for us.
GOD bless you all.
Total loyalty to GOD