Relationship between believers and Muhammad (S)

Started by Mubashir, March 08, 2012, 12:57:19 AM

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Question: Is it proper, as some Muslims do, to address Muhammad (S) as "Master?"

3:79 Never would a human being, whom Allah has blessed with the Scripture, Wisdom and Prophethood, thereafter say to people, 'Be servants of me instead of Allah.' Rather, he would say, 'Become true devotees of the Lord since you learn and teach the Book and study it as it should be studied.'


Muhammad(saw) for many Muslim is what Quran says.

Quran says He(saw) has more rights on believers than their own Nafs.

Ownership of Nafs is far more than just Servant-Master relation.

A Master can own body of servant but not his soul and nafs.

A Master can own the body of a servant as long as he is living...the moment he is dead proprietary rights are finished...Mohammad(saw) own the believers even after their and His(saw) own worldly death.

I hope this bunch of Qur'anists understand the meanings of NAFS.

Besides Quran says "your Wali is Allah and His Apostle..........."

Those who call Mohammad "Mowla" exactly following Quran....Those who deny, are playing with Quran. 
Since there cannot be a contradiction in the Qur'an, what then is the correct interpretation of relationship between Muhammad (S) and his followers both back when he was alive and today?



Salamu aleikum

Muhammad(saw) for many Muslim is what Quran says. They make Hadith=Koran

Quran says He(saw) has more rights on believers than their own Nafs. please, you can give the aya?

Ownership of Nafs is far more than just Servant-Master relation. this point is in relationship with up. But i don't know, ownership of nafs seems only permissible for Allah.

A Master can own body of servant but not his soul and nafs. This what i say up. There were masters and slaves, but none of them own the soul of a human

A Master can own the body of a servant as long as he is living...the moment he is dead proprietary rights are finished...Mohammad(saw) own the believers even after their and His(saw) own worldly death.

I hope this bunch of Qur'anists understand the meanings of NAFS.

I can only tell my personal thoughts on this. I would say the term Wali for prophet Muhammed had its purpose, as he lived. He was the living Wali for the  new Umma of Muslime.their leader, spiritual and politicial.
However, to call him today as our Wali is not possible because he is dead. With his death, his status as a Wali for believers is over . He is a prophet and messenger, but as a master and Wali acting  only God.


Thanks for commenting Chadiga.

The Qur'an says that if was not from Allah, we would have found many contradictions in it.

Sure, when the Messenger was alive, Allah told those who were formulating their beliefs, what the role of a Messenger is. Had they any doubts, verses like these helped to settle for them which camp they belonged. It told them, for example that their allegiance belonged not only in terms of a verbal acceptance but it was more than that and it involved their whole hearted support.

I agree wali (protector, along with Allah) was valid when the Messenger was alive. Now we have only ONE Wali who is Allah SWT.

If we read the principle here, all else falls into place:

3:79 Never would a human being, whom Allah has blessed with the Scripture, Wisdom and Prophethood, thereafter say to people, "Be servants of me instead of Allah. Rather, he would say, "Become true devotees of the Lord since you learn and teach the Book and study it as it should be studied"